9 Shots

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I regret everything!

Here I am, standing in front of the bathroom mirror, attempting to do something with my hair and failing miserably. I'm trying to get ready to go to a club that I don't even want to go to, and it's not going well.

I was caught off guard at Saturday's market when Claire came to pick up with Jace. I was tired as usual and talking with Jude when, surprisingly, Jace gave him a quick nod when he said hi to me. Claire thought I looked stressed and invited me out to a club with them. Of course, I side-stepped the invitation, saying I already made plans with Jude, but she extended the invitation to him as well and, as if the cosmos were out to get me, Jace quickly agreed.

Jude had eyed me suspiciously when I said we had plans and he got me back by agreeing to go to the club, as it 'sounded more interesting.'

I could throttle him. But it was my lie that tripped me up, so here I am preparing to pay the consequences.

Before long, there's a knock at the door and Jude comes in. His dirty blond hair is perfectly styled and he has a dark blue button-up shirt on with black slacks, making his blue eyes glimmer.

Wow, he cleans up nice!

"Damn Jude," I exclaim, eyes wide. "I'm clearly underdressed." I look down, suddenly very self-conscious about my black skinny jeans and flowy scoop neck green top.

"Stop. You look great and stop looking so nervous. Claire's right. You do need to loosen up and have some fun," he says with a wink. Jude looks more excited than I would expect, given his history with the rez members.

"I'm surprised you're so gung ho. Usually, when the rez members are involved, you're less than happy."

Jude locks his gaze on mine and arches a brow. "Well, it's a chance to see you out of your element, and teach you a lesson for using me as a scapegoat."


"I panicked and you let me down." I try to guilt him, turning my honey-brown eyes on his for added effect.

"Nice try," he chides. "Relax. It's just a club with a group of people you already know. I promise not to throw the first punch tonight and behave," he laughs. "Besides there will be drinks and dancing you won't even have to talk if you don't want to."

"I suck at dancing. I'll stick to drinking and talking. In fact, drinking sounds like the winner," I grumble as I give myself a once over and touch up my makeup.

No sooner do we make our way out the back door, than two vehicles pull in-a dark SUV and a four-door red pickup. Jace steps out of the truck, looking polished in his grey button-up shirt and black slacks. "You guys ready?" His grey eyes twinkle with mischief.

"Absolutely," Jude exclaims as I give a small nod. He sees my hesitation and practically drags me to the truck.

Jace hops back into the driver's seat, while Jude opens the passenger seat for me and jumps in the back seat. I click my seatbelt on and we're off with Xavier, Claire, and Sara in the SUV.

In no time, we pull up to the club Eclipse. The base is booming even outside and the line stretches around the corner.

At least I will get to warm up in line before having to deal with the masses.

"We'll drop you off at the doors, park, and meet you inside," Jace explains as he pulls up to the VIP drop-off zone. I furrow my brow, not following and he continues with a wink, "We're on the list, no lines. Connections have benefits."

Jude and I get out and walk over to Claire and Sara, who are dressed to impress. Sara has a short, tight red dress on, and Claire has black leggings and a royal blue off-the-shoulder blouse held up with a gem studded necklace.

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