24 Let Loose

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Summer carnival is the biggest event around here all year. People flood in from all the surrounding towns and cities, swelling our town to the point of bursting.

Day time is more for the kids, while evenings are for the adults. The scene basically turns into a giant party with drinking, live music, and entertainment in the form of games, rides, and shopping.

Typically, I skip the carnival since it's far too crowded for my taste, but Jude begged me to go. He sure seems to be able to talk me into going and doing a lot of things I would have avoided otherwise.

Speaking of which, he'll be here at five to pick me up, so I'd better focus on getting ready.

The day is hot, so I dress in a thin black lace up tank top and blue skinny jeans. I'd bought this top on a whim, instantly drawn to the lace work tied across the back and chest, with delicate silver feather designs but have yet to wear it.

As much as I liked the shirt, when I got it home, my ex, Matt, made sure to point out how whorish it would make me look, and no one needed to see 'that.' I still remember the disgust in his voice; it was one of the first incidents that should have sent me running. What man would be disappointed to see his woman dressed up for him? So it stayed buried in the back of my closet with the tags still on it.

I frown, studying my reflection in the mirror one last time. I have my hair in a simple braided updo, trying to stay cool while containing my frizz and curls. Scanning my reflection, tracing the lace cutout and the barely visible swell of my cleavage, I can't help but wonder if he was right...

Does this top look trashy?

The cut out on the chest is laced shut so nothing can be seen, much like the back. It just hints at skin and adds to the air flow.

Screw it, I'll change.

"Wow," Jude exclaims. He leans casually in the doorway, checking me out from head to toe. "That looks-" He pauses, looking for the right word, but changes direction. "Nice to see you coming out of your shell."

"I'm changing. Give me a minute." I head for the closet, but he reaches past me, shutting it.

"No, it's perfect. Stop over thinking it." His smile sets my nerves back a step.

I know he wouldn't lie to me.

"Let's go. I want to check things out a bit before we meet up with everyone," Jude says as the excitement dances in his blue eyes. His happiness is infectious, but can't quite smother this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Why do I feel like something's going to happen tonight?

Before long, we're parked and making our way to the midway. Already the place is packed. By the second time someone bumps into me, I'm seriously regretting this. My anxiety has been on the rise all afternoon and getting bumped and crowded by strangers is not helping.

"Come on," Jude says, wrapping a protective arm around me. "We can go somewhere less crowded."

"Don't worry, I'm fine," I say, giving him a small smile. "What do you want to do first? Shopping? Games? Food?"

"We should probably wait for the others for food. Let's just check out the booths on the way to the grandstand." He sets us off in a direction, his arm still in place. His size and presence are enough to keep the crowd at bay—thank god!

You never know what you'll find at carnival booths; it's part flea market, part thrift store and nicknack central. The current booth has all kinds of weird jewelry, crazy hats, and tie dye everything. Jude has a particularly hideous hat on, reducing me to tears as I bend over, holding my sides from laughing so hard.

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