7 The Substitute

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"Chris," I whisper in shock.

Shit, what's he doing here!?

His hard hazel eyes are locked on mine. Neither of us speaks or moves for what feels like an eternity, but is likely just a minute or two. He smirks, and I break first, dropping my gaze.

He grunts in response. "Sorry to disappoint you, but Jace had other more pressing matters that required his attention."

I can still feel him staring me down. "No worries. Ethan is in the den, he's still out," I trail off as my heart threatens to break out of my chest.

"Kicking me out already, eh? Thought you said dinner was soon?" He says with a raised brow. He's toying with me now, and it makes me bristle.


Two can play this game. If he thinks he can intimidate me in my own home, he's sadly mistaken!

"You're welcome to stay, there's plenty. I just need to start the barbecue." I straighten up and force myself to focus. "Why don't you grab a seat on the deck? I'll be out in a few minutes with the food."

Chris tilts his head as he considers my change of heart. His hazel gaze bores into mine for what feels like an eternity as if he's searching or debating something. Finally, he nods and heads out without a word.

Hearing the back door close I sigh, reach into the liquor cabinet and grab the whiskey since it's going to be a long night. I pour myself a double-strength mixed drink, take a long sip and top it up before tucking the bottle back away. I grab the veggies and dip and head out and set them down in front of him. The sooner I cook dinner the sooner he'll leave so I turn my attention to light the BBQ and turn it on high.

Chris sits there frowning at the veggies, so I ask, "Not a fan of veggies?" He grunts again.

Ugh, use your words man.

"They are just vessels for dip, what kind of do you like? Something a little spicy?" After a small nod, I realize he must be related to Ethan.

I head in and mix up some red pepper jelly and dip and head back out, pausing by the back fridge to grab him a beer. Once outside, I hold it out for him, but he doesn't seem to notice I'm there. He almost looks troubled as he looks out over the gardens without really seeing them. I give his shoulder a gentle squeeze to draw him back and get him to take it. Chris snaps out of it, blinking at me for a moment before grabbing the beer and nodding thanks.

After checking the BBQ, I take a seat across from him and dig in, though I stick to my safe Caesar dip. Chris sighs and picks up a piece of cucumber, dipping it in the spicy one and tosses it back like he's forcing cough medicine down his throat. His eyes widen a hair and he arches a brow as he stares at the dip. He grabs a pepper and tries the dip once more, pulling a bit of a face. "This is actually pretty good. What is it?"


"Red pepper jelly that Trish makes, mixed with ranch. Has too much kick for me," I say with a nervous laugh.

He munches away. "You should send a case of this with the next order. Xavier loves hot stuff too."

I simply nod, sipping my drink as I sit back and study him while he's busy eating.

I feel an intimidating power rolling off of him, which makes me feel uneasy around him. He is ruggedly handsome,--I hate to admit–with sharp hazel eyes contrasting against his tan skin. His sharp jaw is strongly defined even with the light stubble. He's got his own set of cuts, the faintest bruise on the side of his neck, and small scars here and there. His nose has clearly been broken at least once but has healed well and just adds to his manliness.

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