14 Hey Jude

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What did I think of their Alpha?

I've been trying to figure that out for weeks and I'm no closer to an answer now than I was then.

"I don't know," I reply honestly.

"You sure about that?" Xavier asks, as he leans back and watches me, clearly not buying my answer.

"Honestly, I don't. I'm not used to people like him. I've always been pretty good at reading people and what not," I mumble, more to myself. He's like hitting a wall, or trying to listen to the tv on quiet with a stereo blaring in the background. The more I try to figure him out, the less I know.

"But he's... frustrating," I complain. "I never know what he's thinking. He's an emotional rollercoaster. I get whiplash trying to keep up."

Claire laughs at this. "That's an Alpha for you. I can't speak for all Alphas, but Chris is a good man, with a good heart, even if he's bad at showing it."

I tilt my head as I narrow my gaze at her. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Have you ever thought maybe there's a reason he's been around more?" she leads. I bite my lip, thinking back to the night we went to the club. He spent the entire night only paying attention to me, then insisted on taking care of me.

Oh shit!

I shake my head. "No. I know where you're going with this, but you're mistaken."

Claire squints as she purses her lips; she doesn't look convinced at all.

"Every time I was around him, he ignored me. The first time I talked to him, he chewed me out for wasting his time and hanging out with Jace. He kicked me out and told me not to come back."

She frowns, exchanging looks with Xavier. "I'm not saying anything for sure, but the way you guys were dancing... the way he's been acting around you." She pauses, then adds hesitantly. "We were all a little surprised."

"That was my fault. I think I had too much to drink and lost control a little," I deflect. I can see he wants to say something more, but Claire elbows him, cutting him off.

Thankfully, they let the topic go and we finish dinner with casual conversation about nothing in particular.

"Well, thanks for a delicious dinner and leaving the bow in the house," Xavier jests.

I can't help but laugh at the softer side of him. "Any time. Thanks for taking the time to explain things to me. It's really helped put it into perspective."

Xavier nods, while Claire scoops me into a big hug. "Next meal's on us. Just let me know when you're up for it and I'll clear it with Chris." She beams excitedly.

"Shit, does he even know you're here?" I ask.

"Relax and yes," Xavier says with a mischievous glint in his eyes, clearly finding my panic funny. "Pack travel all passes through him. Although Grandmother sent us, he approved it. I do distinctly remember a warning about becoming a shish kebab if we weren't careful," he teases, making me frown.

"How pissed is he at me for giving him the slip at the hospital and turning down his texts?" I cringe, waiting for the answer.

"He was super pissed. Doc's office never stood a chance. When he read your text, I think he turned purple." Xavier looks lost in thought as he rubs his neck. "Fortunately, he's had some time to cool off since, though he was a bit cranky there after his near miss. You have nothing to worry about with him."

I disagree, but that's for another day.

"Saturday night, come on out. We'll have a nice little BBQ. I know Ethan and Jace are eager to see you. Don't say no now, just think about it," she pleads.

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