22 Love

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Jude doesn't hesitate or say anything after I ask to stay at his place. He changes course and heads in for his place. I'd never been to his house before, but after what happened tonight, I didn't want to be alone. Lord knows I couldn't risk Chris showing up at my house and finding Jude there.

I shudder at the memory of him attacking Jude. I would never forgive myself if he seriously hurt Jude.

In such a short time, he has become very dear to me, and I've caused him nothing but problems.

Realizing how much of a burden I've become to him makes me frown.

"That's enough of that," he cuts in, as if sensing my train of thought. Jude pulls up to a quaint lakeside cabin and parks the truck. "Listen to me. You know I will never lie to you."

He pauses as his eyes search mine, willing me to understand. "None of what happened was your fault. Chris had made up his mind long ago. It had nothing to do with you. You know, no matter what, I will always be there for you, right?" The sincerity and promise are clear in his voice.

Not trusting my voice, I wrap him in a lingering hug. He rubs my back, waiting for me to calm back down.

"Come on, it's late. Let's get you to bed," he says, leading me into the cabin. "It's not much, but it's home." He shrugs as he rubs the back of his neck.

I look around the cabin, noting that the living room and kitchen occupy most of the space, while the back holds a small bedroom and bathroom. It may be small but has a warm feeling to it and the living room is cozy, holding just a couch, chair and TV.

"It's great, Jude, really. I just don't want to be home alone tonight," I trail off. He leads me to the back where his bedroom is. He takes out some shorts and a T-shirt for me to change into and grabs sleep pants and a tank for himself.

"You're always welcome here, you know that." He flashes me a reassuring smile and turns to leave. "Sleep well. If you need anything, I'll be in the living room."

Poor guy was in a fight and I'm stealing his bed.

"Jude, wait. Why don't you take the bed? I'm happy on the couch."

"Nice try, but that's not gonna happen," he laughs. "I'm gonna watch a bit of tv, anyway." He steps to me and places a soft kiss on my forehead. "Stop fighting and go to bed. You need to rest."

I nod, and he leaves, closing the door behind him. I change and crawl into bed, but sleep won't take me. As I toss and turn, memories of him fill my mind, coming at me, or I see Chris and Jude fighting. After a while, I give up and head out to the living room.

"Sorry, I can turn it down?" He asks, looking at me, concerned. I shake my head. "What's wrong Jess?"

Sitting down next to him, I shake my head again. "The past is a bitch. I just can't seem to shake it." My frown deepens, and I sigh. "I'm just so tired."

Jude's torn between wanting answers and wanting me to rest; the latter wins. He grabs the throw from the back of the couch and wraps me up in it. "Come on, try to sleep some." He drapes an arm around my shoulders and pulls me to him, settling my head on his chest.

The rhythmic beat of his heart combined with his calming presence works their magic. Before long, I feel myself nodding off, so I curl up with my back to the TV and my ear on his chest, listening to his heart. He softly strokes my hair as I drift off.

I must have fallen asleep because I'm woken up by him tensing as someone opens the door. I stayed frozen in place, listening but not wanting to deal with anyone.

"Shhh, I finally got her to sleep. Don't wake her up." His tone is warning but not upset, as his body relaxes.

"I didn't come here to fight," Jace says as he sits across from us. "Listen man, I'm sorry that happened. You should have been golden."

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