27 Damn it Derek!

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The wind on my face is a welcome feeling after losing my cool with Sara.

She's going to kill me the next time she sees me.

I wasn't even mad when she said I was nothing but a liability and the Moon Goddess mistake. When she brought up my feelings for Chris, I snapped. I don't even remember throwing the punch, but her look as her nose crumpled was well worth the pain I feel now.

I didn't really want to go home yet. There's no doubt someone waiting to give me shit, so I pull off the road just outside of their territory to check my phone while I decide where to go.

Great, six new text messages, three missed calls.

Jace: the fuck Jess, answer your phone!

Jace: seriously, tell me where you are.

Claire: please come back, or at least tell us you're ok.

Jude: everything good? Jace called, looking for you.

Jace: please just call me.

For fuck's sake, he saw me take off on the bike. If I was heading home, I wouldn't have gotten there for another twenty minutes.

Curtis: hey if you're not too busy I could use a hand for hay.

Sold! Harvesting hay sucks, but he usually just has me drive the tractor, so that's easy enough.

To Curtis: I'm just leaving a friend's. I can be there in less than an hour. See you then.

Fuck, I should text Chris something so he doesn't freak out.

To Chris: Borrowed a bike and took off to catch up on work two towns over, will be home later on tonight. Thanks again for everything, heading back on the road, shitty cell service here, don't work too hard :)

Not suspicious at all.

I put my phone away and head off to their farm.

This will be a good distraction and with no cell service, no one can give me shit.

Curtis's farm is like my second home. With just two sons, they always needed help at harvest time, so our relationship just kind of grew from there. I spent so much time there growing up they gave me my own room.

I spend most of the day there. The weather's perfect, so we manage all three hay fields. Curtis hired the local kids to pick up the hay. He just needed me to drive one of the tractors. It's hot, dirty, and heavy work; the kind of thing you want lots of help with to get done as soon as possible.

I grab a quick dinner before I head out. The thought of a long hot shower sounds fantastic right about now, but unfortunately it will be an hour and a half or more before I get home.

I don't know whose bike I borrowed, but they have nice taste! It's a cruising style Indian motorcycle, built for a smooth ride with lots of power. It has a lot of snort too, the throttle just itches to go wide open. I have to take it easy, though; it's been a few years since I've ridden and even though I'm feeling a smidge rusty, I'm warming up fast.

By the time I pull back into my driveway, the sun's already dropping in the sky. I park the bike and try to check my phone, but apparently it is dead. Once I see no one is waiting for me, I head inside and straight for the shower.

The hot water has me feeling totally refreshed, even the ache in my hand is nearly gone. I pick my phone up off the charger and turn it back on.

Chris: call me as soon as you get this.

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