31 Your Monster

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Chris POV

"Your monster," I scoff, not bothering to hide the bitterness in my voice.

Jess stands in front of me, like a girl brought to the principal's office. Things have been off ever since last week's near miss. It took two full days before Cyrus relinquished control. It's not the first time he's taken over, but it's by far the longest.

He was inconsolable after she nearly rejected us. The pain was unbearable. I thought my chest would cave in from the pressure. I couldn't breathe and trying to concentrate through his anguished howls in my head was nearly impossible.

I have never submitted to anyone since I've been Alpha, not even to Derek. Yet with a few words, she brought me to my knees in front of my pack. Part of me is bitter about it, but the larger part doesn't care. I only cared that it stopped her rejection.

That had shifted the dynamic enough, but by the end I felt like we were making progress. I know she's just scared. When I gave control to Cyrus, I thought he would just run off some energy. But he blamed me for not doing more. Maybe he was right, things would start to go right then something would happen and set us back.

I was beyond furious when he almost marked her. To forcibly mark a mate against her will is beyond wrong; it's supposed to be a loving intimate act. Fortunately, Derek was there to intervene in time. Cyrus just wanted to cement the bond before she could change her mind, but I won't trap her like that. Between that and locking Sara up, it's no surprise she thinks I'm a monster.

She steps closer and locks her honey brown eyes on mine. I take another sip of whiskey, tempering the turmoil in my soul. She takes my glass and sets it down before looking back at me.

"Back to jumping to conclusions again I see." There's an annoyance to her voice that just sets my teeth on edge. "When I said my gut let me down, I was talking about my ex. He hid his darkness well." 

Fuck, I want to find this guy and rip him to shreds.

She sighs and softens, wrapping a hand around the back of my neck and twists her fingers in my hair. Instantly, I relax and lean into her touch. 

God, how I missed her touch. 

"I am so sorry Chris, I never meant for any of this," she whispers, looking deep into my eyes. I stiffen.

Has she changed her mind?!

"I never meant to cause all of this pain, if I could take it back I would." My heart aches for the sorrow in her voice. 

'She's not rejecting us! She regrets it!' Cyrus is over the moon. Hell, I'm right there with him; she is my moon and my stars.

Her lips brush mine, bringing me out of my thoughts and back to her. They move softly and tentatively, like she's afraid I'll pull away. I freeze at the contact. She has never kissed me, only ever returned my kisses, never starting them.

In a heartbeat I kiss back, wrapping my arms around her. What starts so pure becomes filled with such need. I pour myself into my kiss, my pain, my sorrow, but also my hope and love.

My hands roam her body as our tongues intertwine. From her ass to breasts I want it all, need it all. I trail kisses down her jaw towards the sweet spot on her neck, savouring the taste of her.

A breathless moan passes her swollen lips as I get closer to my target. She melts into me, wrapping her other arm around my neck for support.

The sweet scent of her arousal is pushing me over the edge. If we don't stop soon I'll end up taking her on my desk right here and now. I growl as her fingers tug at my hair, feeding the swelling in my jeans.

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