44 Tears

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The way back to Still Waters is a blur. I'm in and out of consciousness the whole journey. The first time I wake up is when we pause for a break, collecting our wounded from the ambush before the battle.

I'm surprised to see Luke, the poor Omega looks exhausted but his wounds don't look too bad. I don't recognize the tall man with the fiery beard that is dressed in green like Wright though.

She has been attached to Derek's side since they met up again, clearly they knew each other. Based on red beard's reaction and the ease he carries himself, he also knows Derek.

I don't have much time to consider the group dynamics before my eyelids are heavy again and the abyss of sleep claims me once more.

Chris wakes me again and presses a bottle to my lips, urging me to drink. Obediently, I drink the whole thing, earning a satisfied smile as he hands me some sort of granola bar.

"We're almost there, it won't be long now," he murmurs, stroking my hair. He hasn't let me walk or let me go since he got me back, not even when Jace tried to give him a break. Truth be told, the safety I feel in his arms is everything and I never want to let it go...


The next time I come to, I'm in the pack hospital. The noise around me is dizzying as the warriors are triaged. My head feels foggy as questions bombard me but I can't pull myself into focus to make sense of them.

A team of Doc and nurses push Chris away but the lack of contact sets me on edge in my altered state, fueling my panic. To calm me back down, they order him to the far side of the bed. His hand on my shoulder sends constant reassurance as they poke and prod me, trying to get answers to questions that don't register.

My head snaps to my hand as pain brings me out of my fog momentarily. The nurse looks startled as we make eye contact. My eyes narrow then relax as I realize she's just starting an IV line and doing her job.

I look at Doc, seeing him clearly for the first time since I got here. "We need to run a few tests. Is anything broken," he asks, realizing he's finally gotten through to me. I shake my head no. "What hurts the worst?"

I frown, hurt? I ache everywhere, but mostly I'm exhausted. I raise my cut forearm, but Doc just furrows his brows, looking at it as he scrunches his face in confusion. I follow his gaze, equally confused by his reaction. My arm is covered in dried blood but the open gash is starting to form new pink skin already.

He orders a full panel; blood, CT, you name it, they are checking it. "I think I need a rabies test," I mumble. "He licked my blood after cutting me," I clarify with a shudder.

Doc's professional demeanor cracks slightly with a look of disgust as he adds more tests to the list. Chris just stiffens and growls.

Nurse Lily walks up to the side of my bed, nervously glancing from Chris to me then back. "Um Alpha, I should probably ask the Luna this next round of questions in private," she trails off with a look and tone of voice that are both apologetic.

His eyes narrow, but I don't understand what she is going on about. "No, he can stay," I mumble, not ready for Chris to leave me alone. Light of recognition shines bright in her eyes as she finally catches onto my confusion.

"Luna, I need to ask about your assault, to figure out what treatment is needed," Lily presses on delicately but I'm still lost. She's trying to be subtle to not anger Chris but in my state I'm not catching what she's getting at. "There's a limited window that some medications can be administered and still be effective," she says slowly.

I can feel Chris starting to shake, his energy is stifling as anger, outrage, and guilt roll off of him. Dropping my gaze, I suddenly realize that my tattered clothes paint a certain picture. I just shake my head.

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