40 I Tried

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Every stumble sends searing pain through my already injured shoulder as the hostile man pushes me through the woods. His iron grip on my wrists keep my arms twisted painfully behind my back.

Apparently the man's nose I broke is named Craig, he has whined nonstop since I was caught that he needs to teach me a lesson. The first man I dodged also caught up to us but walks quietly. Both are smaller than the creep holding me.

"Took you long enough," the creepy man sneers. "The fuck happened to your face Craig?!"

Craig is spitting mad but is cut off before he can start explaining. "We have to go, now!" One of the other men cut in. "They will be here soon." My heart leaps at the fleeting hope.

"Was there anyone else?" The creepy guy asks, turning his attention to me. My skin crawls as he leans into my neck, inhaling my scent deeply. I shudder at the intimate contact and feel my internal fire dying as it's smothered by panic.

"Her scent is all that I can smell, she was alone."

My eyes lock on Derek, "I'm sorry, I tried to run but they were too fast." I pour every bit of my panic into my voice, willing them to believe he was just protecting me, a coward.

"Decide, we have to go!" The other guy shouts again. "Just kill her, it'll be hard enough to drag him back."

My eyes go wide as his words sink in, sending my panic into overdrive. I lock eyes desperately with Derek, silently begging for something to hang onto.

"No," the creepy guy says as a dark grin spreads across his face. "She's the Alpha's."

Well, fuck.

"No she's not! There's no claim mark on her," Derek scoff, trying to persuade him otherwise.

"Don't lie to me, I can smell him on her," he growls as he runs his knuckles up my neck. I try and pull away but the iron grip holds me in place.

"Men have needs, she's just a bit of fun," Derek dismisses. His words sting but I understand what he's trying to do.

"Bring them both, I don't care but we have to go!" The panic is clear in his voice as he argues with the creepy guy who is clearly calling the shots.

Derek looks like hell. He's bleeding all over, with a silver collar around his neck and his arms bound behind him. The three men have him back on his knees. A roar in the not too far distance sends shivers through the rest of them. Excitement hits me as I recognize it's Chris.

He's pissed and coming for me.

Next thing I know, a backhand flies across my temple. The force hits me so hard, it leaves me seeing stars. Rough hands grab me and toss me over a shoulder as blackness swallows me.


My throbbing head is the first thing that greets me as I fight my way out of the black abyss. I feel sluggish, my body won't respond to my commands, and my head is in a fog.

I groan as my body reluctantly begins to obey. Everything hurts, my shoulders are on fire, my head is splitting, and my vision blurry. A full blown migraine, complete with nausea, dizziness, vertigo and vision issues is in full force. I'm half-ass blind with the lightning dancing in my eyes.

The smell surrounding me is revolting; blood and body odor on a normal day is bad but migraines turn my senses up to max. My stomach churns equally from the stench and the nausea as I try to roll over. Rough concrete scratches against my tender skin as I try and prop myself up.

"Jess, don't," Derek's voice cautions from behind me, his voice sounds strained and harsh. "Stay still, you've taken a few hard hits."

Groaning, I lay on my side trying to get my bearings. I can just make him out chained against the far wall.

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