42 I'm Coming Baby

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Chris POV

I see Jude's truck pull up and take off to meet him. He spots me as I beeline and he freezes, a confused look on his face. Anger and frustration are in control as I grab him, slamming him back into the house.

"Whoa Chris, what's going on?" he asks, wrapping his hands around my wrists.

"Where were you?!" I bellow, my emotions swelling out of control.

"I ran out to take care of some errands, what's going on man?!" His confusion is giving way to anger as he locks eyes with me.

"How convenient you leave just before we are attacked," I snarl, tossing him to the ground.

"Wait, what?! I had nothing to do with that. Where's Jess?" He yells, getting back up.

"Wouldn't we all like to know," I growl. Jude lunges at me, we grapple trading blows before Jace, Xavier, and a few others pry us apart.

"Get him out of here!" Jace looks at me as if to say something before turning and dragging a protesting Jude away. "If I see you anywhere near here, I'll end you. If I find out you were involved in any way with her disappearance, you'll wish you were dead." The last part came out as a growl.

"You think I would do anything to hurt her!?" he snarls, pushing back towards me. "Look at our track records, I've never been the problem."

Anger consumes me at his dig as I throw the warriors holding me back aside and go for Jude again. Jace and Xavier desperately try to keep us separated, knowing full well if I get a hold of him, one of us likely isn't going to get back up.

"Jude go home," Jace orders, pushing him back towards his truck as they drag us apart once more. Cyrus is rabid in my mind, scratching and throwing himself against my barriers, trying to take over.

"I left her safe and sound in the pack house, I should have just taken her with me," Jude growls slamming the door before peeling off. Unblinking, I watch him speed off down the road never slowing until he's out of sight on the final bend.

"Chris, I don't think-" Jace starts before I cut him off.

"Don't," I say dangerously, locking my murderous gaze on him.

Her scent hits me suddenly, so faint but there. Hope wells in me as I spin around, desperately searching for her. I can't see her but her scent is getting stronger from the back forest, drawing me like a signal fire.

"Jess!" I yell, taking off towards the source. Movement at the tree line stops me in my tracks as I watch someone emerge.

Ethan stumbles out through a thicket, his baggy hoodie catching on branches as he struggles free. My heart pounds in my throat as I run to him, his eyes are wide and terrified with tear stains down his cheek.

"Ethan, what happened? Where's Jess?" I practically beg, searching him for any sign of injury. He trembles in my grasp, head dropping as the tears well in his eyes once more.

I drop to my knees, pulling him into a deep hug as fear and anger boil within me. Sobs wrack his body as he loses his resolve in my arms, melting into my embrace.

"She's gone," he wails, struggling to catch his breath between sobs. "They took her and uncle Derek, but she made me promise to stay hidden."

My heart drops.

They've taken my mate.

Cyrus is howling in my head, threatening to take over but Ethan needs me, and Jess needs me to have a clear head.

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