50 The Veil

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Everything is foggy. I don't remember hitting the woods, but I'm on my way down a path to?

Wait, where am I going?

My bare feet apparently know as they pick their way through the soft leaves. I can't remember anything leading up to this moment. The white light cotton dress I'm wearing flutters in the midnight breeze while the moonlight paints everything in a crystal blue light.

The path opens up to the water's edge where the biggest silver-white wolf I've ever seen stands blocking my way. His golden eyes lock on mine like he's searching my very soul. They feel so familiar...

'She's waiting for you,' floats through my mind as he nods further down.

I walk towards the falls where a stunning woman waits. She's dressed in elegant white, her long silver blond hair cascades down her back, shimmering under the stars. The moonlight makes her porcelain skin glow and her brilliant blue eyes sparkle. She's smiling, but her eyes are sad as she holds a hand out for me.

"Oh, Jess," she whispers as her eyes search mine. "So much pain."

Something is so familiar about her, urging me to her. "I'm sorry, but I can't remember," I apologize, taking her offered hand.

"It takes a toll to visit like this and your body is already so weak," she replies.

I furrow my brows, struggling to understand what she means. "Is this a dream?" I murmur.

"Yes, but it's also real." She pauses and tilts her head slightly. "Do you know who I am?"

"I'm sorry I-" I stammer, unable to place her, but she feels so familiar.

"It's ok dear, you were very young when we spoke last. I'm Selena, you've already met Luca," she says, gesturing to the white wolf as he walks up to her.

A memory flashes of a man and woman telling me a story about the Moon Goddess and the first Alpha. My eyes widen at the realization.

"Yes, one and the same," she says with a soft laugh.

"I don't understand. Why are we here?" A sense of dread seeps into the fog that shrouds my mind.

She slips a hand to my temple, and the fog lifts ever so slightly.

"Do you remember what happened to you?" As if on command, memories float back of a rogue battle, falling asleep and bleeding out as the poison took over.

My heart sinks. "Am I dead?" I ask, barely a whisper.

"Not yet, but you're hanging on by a thread. I've come to help you walk whichever path you choose." Her face softens, but her gaze is guarded.

"You've been through so much for one so young; loss, abandonment, abuse, death, and suffering. I wish I could have shielded you from it all, but I couldn't." Her voice is laced with regret.

"I can't remember anything," I mumble, feeling irritated. "It's all blank."

"I've come to offer you a choice; I can take you through the veil and all the pain and suffering will be washed away. You will know a peace you didn't get in life."

"Or?" I prompt.

"Or I can help you go back," she says, smiling softly. "What do you want?"


I've always wanted to be at peace, of that I'm sure. "Peace?".

But at what cost?

She turns and starts to lead me across the water towards the mist-covered woods. "You've more than earned it, but you will leave everyone behind." Selena casts a wary glance over her shoulder as I slow.

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