37 Guardian

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Derek stares at me for a while after I’d asked about his energy before a smirk spreads across his face. "What do you mean?" He asks. His light tone and forced surprise warns he's playing dumb.

"Really? I jumped through all your hoops and you won't even answer one question?" I snap.

What an annoying ass!

"It's never just one question," he grumbles, crossing his arms.

"I'll make it just one, but you have to answer it fully, no cop out. Agreed?" I put my hand out to shake. He eyes me suspiciously, but eventually shakes my hand.

"One," he growls. "Ask."

"What's your deal?" I ask, leaning back into my seat. A satisfied grin spreads across my face as annoyance flickers in his eyes.

"What the fuck kind of question is that?!" He growls, glaring at me.

"I had one question, I had to make it count," I reply sarcastically, raising a brow.

"Seriously, you expect my life story for nothing in return," he snaps, dumbfounded.

"Technically, I paid up first with that dog and pony show, and you agreed to one question answered fully." I cross my arms as a triumphant smirk creeps on my face.

"She's got you there brother," Chris says, barely able to keep his face straight, while Sara just laughs.

"Care to point me in a direction for what you actually want to know?" Derek says almost a growl.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be accused of cheating by asking an additional question." I'm more than happy to beat him at his own game. He just glares.

"Your energy. How are you able to mask it so fully and how is it so strong?" I ask, furrowing my brow.

"What do you mean," he teases as I glare. "How much do you know about Guardians?"

"Not a thing. Well that's not true, I know you're one, and that they have serious skill and power if the bow you had them send me is any indication," I trail off.

"What makes you say that?" Derek asks, raising a brow. He leans in and turns his attention on me fully, like I'm suddenly very interesting again.

"When the bow came there was a crest on it, I recognized it, but was struggling to place it. Wasn't until later that I remembered a sort of brand on your chest when you attacked me. Also the guards addressed you as one, and Grandmother.”

“But you don't feel right, you're not a normal wolf, you hide your energy most of the time but it leaks and doesn't match. It's like light spilling under a door in a dark room," I trail off. His eyes go wide in surprise for a moment before he catches himself, like I found some deep secret.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're trouble?" Derek growls as he narrows his gaze at me. He seems completely annoyed by my assessment. 

"Often," Jace scoffs.

"You're not wrong though. Guardians are a security pack for the royal family. Their charge links them directly to the royal bloodline they are supposed to protect and the Goddess blessed them with added strength."

"I didn't know there were royal wolves. But then again there's a lot I don't know," I trail off sadly.

"The royal family is said to tie back directly to Selena and Luca, the Moon Goddess and her mate, the first Alpha. The story goes that she made Luca first and although others came after, he was special to her and she watched him more than any other. Somehow, he won her over and they had a son, the first royal, a wolf with divine blood. The bloodline has been sacred ever since guiding our entire race." He pauses, gauging my reaction. 

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