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Vikram's POV

I was getting ready for office when someone knocked on my door, I opened it finding bhai on the other side.

"Vikram, I need your car today, you can take my bike, I guess you are going to office?" Kiran asked.

I nodded, he gave me his bike keys and I gave him mine.

"And can you also please pick Aarushi from office today, I might get late," he said.

"Okay bhai," I replied.


"See you later," I said to one of my colleagues and grabbed my phone and walked to the lift.

My phone is ringing and it's Rhea, " hey, how is your new job?" I teased.

She has been converted to full time for a while now. I still remembered how tensed she was on her interview day.

"Haha very funny, it's all the same Vikram, what are you up to?", she retorted.

"Nothing, going to pick up bhabhi from her office, bhai was busy with his work," I explained.

" Okay then, I will call you later, bye," she said.

" Bye, take care," I finished the call.

I started the bike and drove towards bhabhi's office. It has been a long time since I used bike, I should probably get used to it. It's pretty comfortable.

As I was turning to my left I hear people shouting at my right, I turn to see what happened but in just a blink I felt something hit me hard.

I lost my balance and I hit the road with full force. A jolt of pain passed through my shoulder.

Before I could process what happened, everything went black.


Rhea's POV

I was still working due to some pending work when my phone rang, it was Di.

"Hey Di, reached home so soon?" I asked remembering it's only fifteen minutes passed since I called Vikram.

"Rh..ea.." I hear continuous sobs from the other side, I panicked.

" Di, what happened, Di!" I called out.

" It's..., it's..., vik..ram.." she cried again.

My heart skipped a beat, " what..what happened to him, Di tell me, you are scaring me," I said crossing my fingers in hope that it's not very bad.

" He had an accident..." She stopped for a while, " he.. he has been hit by another bike.., I am taking him to the hospital... please..come..," she started crying again.

Tears prickled my eyes but I need to be strong, " I will be there soon, text me the address," I shuffled quickly throwing all my stuff in my bag.

My phone dinged with a message, I open it, it's the hospital details. It's near to my office, I need to be quick.

I am driving with all my force trying to reach as fast as I can. I arrived at the hospital after five minutes.

I called Aaru, " Di, I am here, where are you?" I asked.

" We are almost there,"she sounded calm, she is trying to be composed. I can sense her voice.

I rushed to the reception informing them about the situation.

I rushed out as I heard ambulance sounds, it's them.

I stilled in my place seeing Vikram being taken out on to a stretcher, his clothes blood shed, blood still oozing out from the cuts, his face lifeless.

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