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Vikram's POV

Like your sister?!!

How is she supposed to be my sister? What is she, a 3 year old?

I should have never gone home. Screw you pen drive, if you were not important I would have run my car over you and be done with you.

And why in the world did they think it would be fine to have their meeting in MY ROOM? Now all the memories will haunt me forever.

She was beautiful as ever in that blue saree but her eyes told me different story, she  looked like she would kill to be in any place other than talking to him.

He is definitely not the one for her. The one who he saw is totally different from who she is. She would be putting her hair in a bun with no accessory hanging on her.

It must be her mother's idea to set her up with him. She is not ready by the looks of it. She needs someone who can cherish her fun nature, who can take away her fears, who can love her to eternity.

"Vikram, boss is calling," Sai called me bringing me out of the trance. Then I realised that I have been glaring the pen drive for the past I don't know how long.

I nodded and walked out of my cabin. This is going to be a long day.


I came home to find Bhai and Bhabhi watching a movie together, how fun is it to be them?

"Go on freshen up and come let's have dinner," Bhabhi said, I nodded and headed to my room.

As soon as I entered my room all the events came back to my mind. I still need to know what was Rhea's response to that douche, but I don't think I should ask her, she might not want to talk about it.

I took a long shower clearing things off my mind. I went back to the hall, both of them were waiting for me, I guess the movie was finished.

We all sat down on the sofa, enjoying the dinner when bhabhi's phone rang, "it's ma," she picked up the phone with her other hand.

"Hello ma," I didn't show it in my posture but I was very much interested in listening it.

"I don't know ma, she said she would have slept all day rather than meeting him."

I bit back a chuckle that tried to escape, I knew he was a douche, it was clear in his attitude.

"I don't think she wants to meet him again ma, tell them she didn't like him," Bhabhi spoke.

I don't know why her mother is set on getting her married, she will when the time is right.

"Okay ma, good night," Bhabhi cut the call and turned back to her food.

"What was she saying?" Kiran asked Bhabhi, " Rhea said she didn't like him and ma wants me to convince her to meet him again, that might change her decision, but I don't think she even liked him to give a second chance, once she set her mind on something, she won't change that."

"So are you planning something for your anniversary, shall we have a party?" I asked changing the subject.

"I don't know what do you think?" Bhabhi asked Bhai.

"It would be good to have a party and also it's Saturday so most of them would be free, should we do invite like some close office friends, I think a small one would be good."

"Yeah, let's do that, I will inform Rhea," Bhabhi said calling her on the phone.

*Next day*

Rhea's POV

Aarushi invited me to their anniversary party which is tomorrow but I still need to pack, she asked me to come home today.

I was roaming around in the room sorting my clothes, listening to music when Aaru barged in. I removed my head phones looking at her.

"I need your help," she said sitting on the bed. I walked towards her and sat next to her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Just promise me you would do what I said," she extended her hand at me," tell me you wouldn't back up after I explain."

I didn't understand what to say, I don't know what she is talking about but I placed my hand on her's," okay tell me now, what's wrong?"

She looked down," I want you to talk to someone," she waited for my reply.

"Umm... Who is this someone and why me?" I ask still confused.

"She is Sruthi, I want you to meet her at cafe coffee day and talk to her," she paused again," about Vikram."

I didn't get it why would I talk to someone about Vikram," I don't understand."

"She was supposed to meet Vikram today, but he got some issues at office and he can't go. She is from Chennai and she will be leaving today, so I thought as his friend it would be good if you both talked, I even talked to her."

"And she agreed?" How am I supposed to talk to girl who will be coming to talk about their marriage? What should I even talk? And Vikram, how can I do this on behalf of him?

"She did, she just need to get to know something about him, how can I send a boy to talk to her, Vikram has only boys in his friend circle, you are the only girl who can help."

I slowly removed my hand from her's but she stopped me," Please Rhea, I can't go, I have an appointment with the doctor today."

"Does Vikram know?" She just nodded and rushed me to bathroom.

"Get ready fast, you should be there in 20 minutes and I am taking your luggage with me, come back home directly," she shouted.


So, I don't know if this is what I wanted to write, it feels like more of a filler, but anyway next chapter will be fun:)

I will post the next chapter tonight, byeee

Louis Tomlinson is a great artist, you should definitely listen to him 🌈

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