34 • Faux Pas

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

"Neel is going to be so happy to find that I'm finally getting along with you two! Oopsy, I wasn't supposed to say that." Lara frowned for a moment.

"No, it's all right," I laughed, "Anyway, I should get going to class. I'll text you guys later, ok."

With that I got up from my seat and slung my tote onto a shoulder before making my way out of the crowded cafeteria.

I think it was time to give Lara a chance. After all life was all about taking chances right. And despite what I felt, Daddy had been right. I needed to let more people into my life.

So this was me trying to begin again.


I trudged up the stairs of my apartment building, letting out an exhausted sigh as I reached my floor. College had been tiring the past couple of weeks, with mid semester exams around the corner and the assignments seemed to be piling up endlessly.

The college library had almost become a second home to me and the fact that Ms. Banerjee, the librarian allowed me to sneak in food when I stayed back late, ensured that I hardly left the library before eight thirty every night.

Turning the key in the keyhole of my flat door, I pushed it open and stepped in. Switching on the light in the living room, I planted my derriere on the couch and kicked off my shoes before bringing my legs up to rest on the armrest.

I reached out to my tote and took out my bottle. Laziness was making me lethargic and despite my extraordinarily low levels of physical activity, my body ached. Especially my back and neck. Massaging the part where my neck joined with my shoulder lightly, I gulped the stale water left over in my plastic bottle.

I groaned loudly at the thought of millions of micro plastic particles entering my system, but at that moment I could honestly care less.

My phone beeped two times. My hand involuntarily reached inside my bag and rummaged for it.

Vinay had texted a couple of times in the previous week. Just basic stuff like how I was doing and to inform me that his father had returned home from the hospital.

Honestly, even a small text from him brought a smile to my face. I really missed having him around. The little things, you know, like his unworldly distaste for bananas and his mind blowing culinary experiments. I even missed fighting over laundry days.

So like every other crazed fangirl out there, I opened Instagram and searched his profile.

His bio said- A little better than your average teenage dirtbag. Love me or hate me, either way I'm going to shine.

I cringed at the awful choice of words.

Being a wordsmith himself, I expected something more meaningful but then again most people knew him as the stupid 'notorious badboy persona' he had going.

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