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Hello there!

Thank you so much for clicking on this book! Every read means so much to me ♥. Welcome if you're new to my writings and if you're here after reading my Draco or Fred fanfic, then welcome back! It's so good to have you here!

At the beginning of every fanfiction I address a couple of things to avoid confusion, so here we go!


In this book, you'll be a Hufflepuff! In my Draco fanfic, I experimenten with Ravenclaw (my own house, yeah), then in my Fred fanfic I went for Gryffindor and now you'll be a Hufflepuff! That means that if I ever get a new Harry Potter fanphase (most likely), Slytherin is up next!


Those of you who have read my other fanfictions already know this, because I address it every time: MY MAIN LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, it is Dutch. I do study English, so my English is pretty good, but I will make some mistakes once in a while and I won't use the most difficult vocabulary. Writing improves my language skills and I really like writing in English, but it's not perfect. I proofread all chapters to filter out mistakes, but there will definitely be some that I've overlooked. If you find a mistake, just tell me in a comment and I'll edit it :). Thanks for understanding!


This book is a little different than others because it's not a POV book where the main character is Y/N. I created an actual character for this book, named Erin Evans, and she might be a little less like you. I did that because I noticed that not everyone was fond of the Y/N Y/L/N situation and I try to please as many as possible. So if you do not like this one, I'm so sorry, but I really wanted to try it out.


I LOOOOVE reading comments! Honestly, you guys are sooo funny sometimes! So really, don't hesitate to leave one... or twenty. I try to read all of them and respond sometimes, until I can keep up. BUT, please keep it friendly. I like it when you guys give me constructive criticism or - as I said - comment on my grammar mistakes, but please be nice. I sometimes get comments that really hurt and even though there might be ten times more positive comments, that one negative remark can really break my day. So comments, YES, but no hate my lovies ♥.


When writing this book, I mainly focused on how things happen in the films and not in the books. That is because the books are waaaaay more elaborate and I want to keep this book below 100 chapters :) The film also leaves more room for my own fantasy. Thirdly, not everyone has read the books, so I don't want to confuse anyone. I recommend reading them though! So Oliver Wood is not burly, but just our film spaghetti noodle :D.

That was enough of me. I won't bother you anymore until the very end of this book. I hope to see you there and I really hope you enjoy "Captain" ;)

Have fun reading! See you on the flip side.

xox Hanne

Captain - An Oliver Wood FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now