Chapter 41 - You're like properly in love with him, aren't you?

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Erin took a deep breath as she looked into the mirror one last time. Today was the day. Over summer they had decided to meet up at Hogsmeade as early as possible, so at nine in the morning, Erin was already wide awake. The first carriages would leave at ten and she'd be first in line.

"Well someone looks extra happy", Beatrice smirked as she walked in. Erin couldn't get rid of the massive smile on her face. After three months, she was finally going to see her Captain again.

"I am, are you?" Beatrice was meeting up with Meredith, which caused her to be in exactly the same mood.

"Very much so", she grinned. Erin pulled her skirt straight. She had put an extra effort into her outfit as she wanted to look pretty for her man today. She wore a burgundy skirt, still Oliver's favourite colour, with a black jumper, some tights and some lace-up boots. She wore her warmest coat and a scarf against the cold.

"You look pretty. Wanting to impress someone?" Beatrice wiggled her eyebrows.

"Got to show him what he's been missing for three months, right?" Erin joked, grabbing her bag. 

"It's good to see you so happy. I know I was a bit weary about Oliver at first, but he's good for you", Beatrice smiled. Erin pulled her into a tight hug, appreciating the comment. She knew Beatrice had always just looked out for her, but it was nice that she finally saw Oliver the way Erin saw him. Good for her.

"Come on, let's get some breakfast", Erin said. She was so, so ready for this. She grabbed her mirror, just in case she couldn't find Oliver, and headed out with Beatrice.

It was already quite busy in the Great Hall as everyone was excited for today's Hogsmeade trip. Erin didn't go to the Great Hall for breakfast though, as her nerves would not allow any food to pass her stomach. They were excited nerves though, like the nerves you feel right before a first date.

Erin had come to read the morning paper. Oliver had played his first match last night and even though he would be able to tell her about it personally in an hour or so, she wanted to know.

"Fred's got a copy, let's go!" Erin grabbed Beatrice's hand and dragged her over to the Gryffindor table. She had introduced Beatrice to the Gryffindors as well and as expected, she got along way too well with the twins. It was impossible to keep her out of trouble lately.

"So, so, so?" Erin asked excitedly as she placed herself between the twins, stealing the paper from Fred.

"Oi, I was reading that", he complained, but Erin didn't respond. Her eyes scanned the paper. She didn't have to search very long, as the entire second page was filled with a Puddlemere United article.

"They won! Oh Merlin, they won!" Erin shouted, even more excited.

"Well, bloody obvious. The Falmouth Falcons are terrible", Ron huffed.

"Oh, shut it", Erin shrugged, looking at the group picture. She felt so happy. She spotted Oliver in the picture, a huge smile on his face, which made Erin's heart melt. He was in a bloody newspaper, her boyfriend was becoming a celebrity.

"That's the spawn of the devil I was talking about", Erin told Beatrice, pointing at Marlo. She was standing next to Oliver and had one arm wrapped around his waist. It was not necessarily a weird thing to do in a group picture, but everything that woman did annoyed Erin. But not today, today was a happy day.

"Marlo Deverill? She's an absolute legend!" Ginny said, looking over Beatrice's shoulder.

"She's a terrible human being and I wouldn't shed a tear if she just passed away right now", Erin said blankly.

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