Word of Thanks

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Merlin's beard, here we are ... It's been three months since I started writing this novel and we just reached the end. Three months isn't a very long time, but this book was a huge passion project, which resulted in loads of motivation to write. 

And it's done! It's done and it's out there and I really hope that you love it. I know I do and that I'll always cherish this book, just like my other fanfictions. 

The support on my works and profile have been phenomenal lately, so I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for reading my works, thank you for voting it into the rankings and thank you for leaving the sweetest, funniest and cleverest comments. As you might already know, I read every single comment that's posted on my books and you guys CRACK ME UP! You're absolute legends.

So this is it ... The end of Captain, an Oliver Wood fanfiction. It began on TikTok, where I started simping over this one girl @erinmcnugget. She is an Oliver Wood simp as well and I knew I just needed to write a fanfic with a main character inspired by her. I'm not sure if she'll ever read this, but she was an incredible inspiration and made me that much more attached to my main character.

And now it is time to say goodbye to Erin and Oliver and Benjamin and Beatrice. They'll always mean so much to me and I hope that they could make you smile in these critical times as well. Of couse this is not the end of me writing Harry Potter fanfictions, I'm way too big of a nerd for that, but for a while, it's time to go.

So again, thank you so much for reading and supporting me! I never thought people would actually enjoy the weird little stories I made up in my mind, but knowing that you do warms my heart. I appreciate every single one of you and I hope to see you all again :)

Until then, lots of virtual hugs and kisses from me.

xox Hanne

Captain - An Oliver Wood FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now