Chapter 27 - I really like it when you distract me

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You ready to go?" Oliver asked Erin after breakfast. Erin nodded quickly and wiped her mouth.

"See you all later", she said, leaving the Hufflepuff table.

"Have fun!" Tamsin yelled, followed by a "Don't do anything I would do" by Beatrice.

"Sorry about that", Erin chuckled. Oliver held out his arm for her to take, which she gladly took.

"Such a gentleman."

"I was raised well", he said. "But your friends seem really fun."

"They are, you should meet them sometime." Oliver never really got to know Erin's friends, nor the other way around. It was always just the two of them.

"By the way, happy Valentine's Day", Oliver said with a smile.

"Oh right, thank you for the card."

Oliver looked confused. "What card?" Erin could die of shame right there.

"Oh, uhm ... nothing. Happy Valentine's day to you too", she said quickly, but Oliver had already caught on.

"You have another valentine? I'm getting competition", Oliver smirked.

"There was no name on it. Supposed it was yours, since, you know ..." Erin had gotten herself into a very tricky conversation.

"Since what?" Oliver said, thoroughly enjoying her awkwardness.

"Stop it", Erin laughed. "You know what I mean."

Oliver got onto one of the carriages, extending his hand to pull Erin up as well. She really liked gentleman Oliver.

"No, I'm not sure what you mean", Oliver said, a persistent smirk on his face. Erin just narrowed her eyes, not able to get the smile off her face.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed", he said with a wink. Erin couldn't help but blush. She loved this.

As they arrived in Hogsmeade, Erin was immediately mesmerised by the little town. She had been here a couple times already, but she was just as excited as the first time.

"So, where do you want to go?" Oliver asked as he helped her off the carriage.

"Hmm ... decisions, decision", Erin contemplated. "How about Honeydukes?" Erin wiggled her eyebrows. She loved sweets.

The town was filled with Hogwarts students. Honeydukes was packed, but that wouldn't stop Erin from securing her favourite sweets.

"What's your favourite?" Oliver asked, selecting a new batch of blue Sugar Quills.

"Anything chocolate really. Chocoballs probably." She filled her basket without guilt.

"Come on, my treat", she said as they went to check out.

"What? Absolutely not", Oliver said. "You don't have to pay for me."

"Come on, I asked you out, so I'm paying", Erin said.

"Na-ah, not happening", he grinned, paying for his sweets. Erin did the same and they exited the shop.

"I'm trying to be nice and it's not appreciated. Rude", she joked, popping a Chocoball in her mouth.

"You're always nice", Oliver said. "Doesn't mean you have to spend money on me. Plus, isn't the man supposed to treat the girl?"

"Oh am I affecting your manliness?" Erin laughed.

"You're affecting a lot of things", Oliver grinned.

"Like what?"

"My grades", he joked. "And my focus. It's hard to focus when you're around. I almost forgot quidditch practice last night."

"Oh lord forbid your mind isn't on quidditch for one second", Erin smiled, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, watch it Evans. There's a reason we're going to win the cup."

"So I distract you? That doesn't seem like a good thing." Oliver was weird with words. He could be very sweet, but sometimes he said things that threw Erin off.

"At first I thought it wasn't, but you're teaching me a lot, so I think it is a good thing." Erin didn't know what exactly he meant with that.

"Just tell me when you feel like I'm distracting, I understand", Erin said, mood dropping. She loved spending all this time together, but she had never thought of the fact that it maybe was a bit much for him. Maybe he didn't want her around all the time. Maybe he would get sick of her soon. She wasn't his priority.

"Hey, I didn't mean it like that", Oliver said and stopped walking. They were at the edge of the village, near The Three Broomsticks.

"I do like hanging out with you very much. It just made me feel all these things I wasn't familiar with at first. That was what distracted me, not you. In fact, I've never been as focused on school." Erin smiled, but she couldn't get it to look genuine.

"In fact, I really like it when you distract me, even if you're interrupting my quidditch practice." Erin laughed at the memory of her annoying Oliver with Beatrice's binoculars.

"That was fun."

"Ever since that moment, my friends haven't stopped asking about you. They were convinced I had feelings for you before I even knew it myself."

"So you do?" Erin asked, pushing the insecurities away. Oliver took her hands in his, rubbing them warm.

"I do, do you?" He gazed in her blue eyes and Erin fell in love with him all over again.

"I do." Oliver leaned in. Erin would finally get the kiss she had hoped for at Hagrid's cabin. There was no Hagrid to interrupt this time.

"Oi, Wood!" Lee shouted, running up to them with a bag from Dervish and Banges, the quidditch shop in town. Oliver sighed and pulled away before their lips could touch.

"Got me a new-"

"Lee, not now, okay? Can you kindly sod off?" Oliver asked, Lee finally realising what he had walked in on.


Before Erin could react, she felt Oliver's lips on her. She smiled and gladly kissed him back. Finally.

Oliver took Erin's hand and pulled her a couple yards away, to where they wouldn't be stared at by half the student body.

"I could get used to this", Erin mumbled as Oliver kissed her again.

"Really?" Oliver asked in between kisses.


"Well, that's easily solved, I think", he said. Erin wrapped her arms around his neck, looking confused.

"How would you feel about becoming my girlfriend?" he asked, which Erin had not expected whatsoever. Her eyes widened and someone seemed to have sucked all the moisture out of her throat.

"You're making me nervous here, you know?" Oliver said sheepishly. Erin shook her head, forcing herself out of her thoughts.

"I'd love to", she said, smiling brightly. He wasn't sick of her.

"Great, then you have official permission to get used to kissing me", he joked.

"Let's get used to that then", Erin whispered before pulling him in again. She was dating Oliver Wood.

After about five more minutes of making out, they decided to go to The Three Broomsticks for a Butterbeer. Erin's hand fitted perfectly into his and she had never, ever felt this happy before.

The pub was absolutely packed, but there were two stools left at the bar.

"I'm definitely paying this time and you're not stopping me, Oliver Wood", Erin said and ordered two Butterbeers.

"Why?" he complained.

"Because I want to", Erin merely said. She paid and gave Oliver his mug. She wrapped her hands around the warm glass, taking in the smell. She was completely, one hundred percent, happy. The world could collapse right now and she wouldn't even care. She suddenly loved Valentine's Day.

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