Chapter 18 - She didn't want it to be over

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Forgetting about Oliver went mediocre for Erin. She wasn't angry at him anymore and had accepted the fact that he wasn't in her life anymore, but it did make her sad. She knew it was for the best and since he hadn't tried talking to her ever since that one disastrous time, he probably felt the same, but she missed him. She missed their talks and she missed teasing him. She missed the butterflies she felt in her stomach every time he smiled at her.

Anthony did a good job at keeping her distracted, though and Erin started to like him more and more. Contrary to Oliver, Anthony noticed immediately when Erin felt a little down and he knew exactly how to act on it. He frequently brought hot chocolate to the common room, lent her his notes and helped younger Hufflepuffs with school tasks. He was a perfect Hufflepuff example and would probably be a perfect boyfriend. But why didn't she feel the same attraction?

So when Anthony nervously asked her to go to Hogsmeade with him before Christmas break, she agreed. Maybe a different setting would help.

December had started before Oliver reached out to Erin. It was something very simple, but Oliver needed to take baby steps as he didn't want to mess things up yet again. He was going to do it right this time.

Erin was in the library, looking for a book to use for her Herbology assignment. It was one on a pretty high shelf, but Erin was convinced she could reach it without her wand, which wasn't the case. She was about to turn back before someone else grabbed the book for her. At first she thought it was Anthony, but as she looked up, she looked straight into Oliver's eyes. He looked at her apologetically, sad even, with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

For a split second she wanted to say something mean, like she didn't need his help, but the moment she looked into his eyes, she couldn't.

"Thank you", she said, looking away. Oliver wanted to ask her to talk, or just apologize again, but he lost the ability to speak when her blue eyes connected with his. She was already walking away and he was still debating whether to ask her to talk about what happened last year or not. He wanted to know, but would she listen to him? She was a Hufflepuff after all and they had a rather forgiving nature, but she was really angry. He cursed at himself for taking so long. He needed to show her that he cared, so he had to ask her again and again until she agreed.

Erin had already sat down at one of the tables in the back, her nose in the book he'd handed to it. Oliver walked over to her before he could change his mind.

"Hey", he said awkwardly, causing her to look up. "D'you reckon we could talk for a bit?"

Erin was torn. Her initial reaction was to say yes, just to hang out with Oliver, but for her own good, it was best if she didn't. But she did want to close things off properly without any bad blood. Oliver was still waiting for an answer, Erin just staring into space.

"Erin?" he asked.

"Can I get back to you on that?" she asked. Oliver seemed to be caught off guard for a moment, but quickly nodded.

"I'll be waiting on the quidditch pitch at 10 PM tonight. If you're not up for it that's okay too", Oliver said and left. There was nothing in the world that Erin hated more than that pained look on Oliver's face. He really seemed to regret it, which was something Erin hadn't seen often. She wanted to go, she wanted to forgive him, but she needed to talk to Beatrice too. She needed a realistic look on the situation.

Beatrice was in the common room, devouring some bright blue Sugar Quills, Oliver's favourite .

"What's up, E?" she asked, licking her lips.

"Oliver wants to talk. What d'you reckon I should do?" Beatrice put away her sweets and put on her serious face.

"What do you want to do?" she asked.

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