Chapter 52 - You don't have to ask me twice

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"Here you go, love", Oliver said and handed her a drink. Erin technically wouldn't be old enough to drink for another few months, but drinking under the age limit was not very uncommon, well, anywhere really. Oliver on the other hand was very careful with what he was consuming this time.

"Thank you", she smiled, kissing him slowly. They had gone to a club downtown, so it was dark enough to display a little PDA without getting strange looks.

"Did I tell you how pretty you look tonight?" he whispered, playing with a piece of her hair.

"I don't look any different than I normally do", she blushed, wrapping one arm around his neck.

"Hmm, well you do look pretty everyday." He gently pulled her to the dancefloor.

Erin had an absolute blast. She already knew Puddlemere was a very fun team to hang out with, but they sure knew how to party. Erin was surprised at how much liquor these people could down being professional sports players. Erin was a little buzzed herself, but made sure she stayed mostly sober. She had other plans tonight.

Oliver had gone to fetch her another drink as she felt a presence behind her.

"Hello there, pretty lady." Erin didn't recognise the voice, so she took a step away before turning around. In front of her was a man only a couple years older than her, but clearly drunk out of his mind. Erin didn't respond. Why did Oliver always insist on getting her drinks?

"What are you doing here all alone?" he asked. "Need some company?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you very much", Erin said annoyed. "I'm here with friends." She spotted some of Oliver's teammates a couple yards away, which made her feel a bit safer.

"I was talking about a special kind of company", the guy smirked, taking a step closer and putting his hands on her hips.

"Would you please get your filthy hands off me?!" Erin shouted at him, roughly pushing away his hands.

"Aww, is our little princess not in the mood to dance?" Erin was getting quite sick of this pervert as he stepped closer again.

"No, I'm not. I'm here with my boyfriend if you don't mind", she hissed at him.

"Oh, well, I'm sure he won't mind sharing." His hands touched her waist again and she took a step backwards, but bumped into someone.

"I do, so you better get your paws off her", she heard Oliver say. She looked up to see that Oliver was the person she had bumped into. Thank the lord.

"A shame, I would've liked to play with you", the man smirked without taking his hands off Erin.

"I said, hands off!" Oliver got angry now as he roughly pushed the man away from her. It surprised Erin how he didn't fall down in his drunken state. Oliver protectively wrapped an arm around Erin's waist, pulling her close.

The man just now looked at Oliver and his eyes widened.

"You're the Keeper from Puddlemere", he said shocked, completely forgotten the fact that he was just harassing said Keeper's girlfriend. "I saw the game tonight. Great work."

"I suggest you kindly sod off or we're going to be in trouble, minkin' bampot." Erin would normally find it amusing when Oliver got out his Scottish slang whenever he was annoyed or angry, but she just wanted this man to go right now.

And he did. Slowly but surely, he backed off, disappearing into the crowd.

"Are you okay?" Oliver asked, looking her up and down to make sure he hadn't harmed her.

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