Chapter 35 - Been really deprived of that lately

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Dear Erin

How are you doing? Miss you already :) Mum has been going on and on about you, she's your biggest fan. I've got the Puddlemere United practice at the end of the week and I'm a little nervous to be honest. Hope they think I'm good enough. I'll let you know how it goes.

I also may or may not have a very nice surprise at the end of the summer. But you'll have to wait and see, because I'm not telling you yet :D.

Oh, my N.E.W.T. results came in as well! Having a super smart girlfriend definitely paid off. I got three E's, an A and even an O in Astrology! Only one exceptional girl to blame for that.

Anyway, I'm heading out with my dad to the quidditch shop. He's getting me some new Keeper gloves for the practice. Owl me back and I'll see you in just three weeks!

Love, your Captain.

Love, your Captain

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Dear Captain

Oh Merlin, I knew you could do it! Those are some really, really good N.E.W.T. results and I'm so very happy for you!

About that try-out, I know you're going to kill it. I said the same thing about the match against Slytherin and I was right, so believe me! You're the best Keeper out there and if you just play like you normally do, you'll blow them off their socks. Let me know how it went!

Things have been quiet around here, but good. Mum works a lot, so Benji and I have taken it upon ourselves to create a quidditch pitch in the backyard. I can use magic outside of school now, so I'm looking up all kinds of shield and protective charms to make sure no muggles see us flying about.

I really miss you, but it's just two weeks away when you get this. I can't wait to see you, but mum's present has really come in handy.

Oh! I totally forgot, why don't we try out your present! Sunday night at eight? Can you take your mirror then so we can talk for a bit? Can't wait to see your ugly face hehe.

Love you the absolute most.

X Erin

Erin had been sitting in her room, the mirror in her hand since half past seven, but there was no reflection yet. She had only sent out the letter three days ago so she really hoped that Oliver would get it in time. She couldn't wait to see him again. It was so weird going from seeing each other every single day to not at all. Next year was going to be a long year ...

The sudden shift in the reflection brought Erin back to reality and when she looked down, Oliver Wood was smiling back at her.

"Oh Merlin, Oliver!" she squealed. She really wanted to hug him, but hugging a mirror was just weird.

"Hello there, love. How have you been doing?"

"I've been great, I-" Just then she noticed what he was wearing, a brown quidditch uniform with the Puddlemere United logo on the chest.

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