Chapter 28 - I want him to know that you're taken

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Erin woke up on Monday with a huge smile on her face. She was dating Oliver Wood. She had told Beatrice about it last night and they had spent the entire evening discussing how hectic this year had been.

But although she felt really happy, she was also nervous. She had never had a boyfriend before, so she didn't quite know how to act.

"How is Miss Wood feeling today?" Beatrice teased as they were getting ready for breakfast.

"Very funny", Erin said, but her smile got just a little brighter. She couldn't wait to see Oliver today.

There was one other person she needed to talk to today and that was Benjamin Evans. Benji had seemed a little hesitant of his sister hanging out with his quidditch captain, so she wanted to tell him herself. So she grabbed her bag and headed for the Great Hall a little early.

Erin had hoped to see Benjamin first, but before she reached the Great Hall, she spotted her favourite quidditch captain walking down the hallway with Percy Weasley. She waved a bit awkwardly at him to catch his attention. He said something to Percy and then walked towards Erin.

"Good morning", he grinned. Erin gave him a quick kiss. She had longed to do that since last night.

"Morning, Captain", she smiled.

"When do you have class?" Oliver asked.

"Just two hours of Charms in a bit. I'm free all afternoon."

"Hmm, then I think I might just have to steal some of your time." Erin blushed. She loved him.

"I'll be looking forward to it", she whispered, kissing him again. When pulling away, she spotted some of Benjamin's friends at the other end of the hallway, so she quickly took a step back.

"What's wrong?" Oliver asked, trying to figure out what Erin was looking at.

"I haven't told Benji yet. I want to talk to him before he finds out, you know?" Oliver nodded. "Could you maybe tell him that I have to talk to him? He's going to hate me if I show up in the Great Hall with all his friends there."

"Sure", Oliver chuckled. "See you at lunch." He winked and then walked towards the Great Hall, leaving Erin on cloud nine.

Beatrice found her and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her to the Great Hall. This day was already going great.

It didn't take long for Benjamin to follow Oliver's orders. Right after breakfast, he followed Erin outside, ready to know what was up.

"Oi, Erin!" He called out. Erin still had half an hour before classes would start, so she figured now was as good a time as ever.

"I'll see you in class, okay? I have to talk to Benji", she said to Beatrice, who nodded and went to find Meredith.

"Hey little brother", Erin smiled, sitting down on a bench in the Courtyard.

"I'm almost as tall as you", Benjamin complained. Erin suspected him to outgrow her very soon, so she had to enjoy it whilst she still could.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" he asked. Erin took a deep breath. She really hoped he'd be supportive of it.

"Do you remember when you asked me if I was dating Oliver Wood?" Erin started, slightly nervous.

"Yes ...", Benjamin mumbled suspiciously, already knowing where this was heading.

"And I said no?"

"Yes ...".

"Well," Erin said, "It might be yes now." Erin tried to figure out what Benjamin was thinking, but his face didn't show any surprise.

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