Chapter 40 - Dear Captain

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8 September

Dear Captain

That was the first week of school already ... It went quite fast to be honest. I mean, I miss you so badly, of course, but I'm really really busy so I can keep my mind off of it.

I got my Captain spot back! Cedric didn't have a problem with it at all, which is nice. We have try-outs in three weeks. Beatrice, Michael, Anthony, Cedric and I are graduating this year, so we really need to train some reserves for next year.

Classes are okay, a bit like last year. Last year, however, I had a few more distractions, so it's my goal this year to crush those N.E.W.T examinations.

Beatrice and Meredith are still dating as well. We should really do a double date sometime, you barely know Beatrice.

How is practice at Puddlemere? When's your first game? I really, really wish I could come see you play ... Get me a ticket to your first match after I graduate, okay?

Benjamin forced me to tell him every single detail about the Quidditch World Cup, especially about meeting with Puddlemere United. I told you he was a bit weary about us dating at first, right? But he's your biggest fan now. I mean, he was impressed over summer, but I think it hadn't sunken in yet. He saw you in the paper the other day when your spot was announced and ever since he's been asking me about it non stop. I'm pretty sure he's going to ask your autograph next time he sees you. And an autograph about every other member of your team for that matter. When I told him that I'd mentioned him to Benjy, he pretty much passed out.

Anyway, I have to go now as we have a team meeting in a bit, but I really miss you and I can't wait to see you again. Give your parents a hug from me, and see you very soon!

Xox Erin

15 September

Hello love

It's really, really weird without you here. I got pretty used to sleeping next to you, so now every morning I stretch my arm out to pull you closer to me, but you're not there anymore. Just a little over two months, right?

I'll be watching the mirror, because I miss your face. I suppose you'll get this letter before the weekend, so mirror talk Sunday night?

Puddlemere is really good. The quidditch season has officially started again, so that means training six days a week. I'm sore almost every day but I love it. Really wish I could have one of your epic massages though :). Our first match is in two weeks and although I probably won't be playing, it's really exciting. The House Cup seems so irrelevant compared to the League Cup. There's also so much more involved right now. I have to give interviews and get all kinds of equipment that's handmade for me. A couple days ago a woman measured my hands for two hours straight, just to make me a pair of Keeper gloves. It's really cool though and I'm so grateful for this opportunity.

How cute that Benji is so involved. Gives me some ideas on what to get him for Christmas. We never got to discuss our Christmas plans though, even though it's still months away. I suspect you want to be with your family, but you're going to make some time for me, right? I really need some Erin-time, I miss that.

Please keep me updated on the Gryffindor try-outs. I heard they're at the beginning of October, which I think is a little late. I sent Angelina my entire schedule of the past four years, but she seems to have taken a softer approach. It will cost them the Cup, just mark my words!

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