Chapter 37 - Merlin Erin, stay with me please

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Erin forgot completely about the she-devil next to her once the match started. She cheered loudly and everytime the Irish scored, she'd jump in Oliver's arms, overcome with joy. And the Irish scored a lot. The Bulgarian Chaser Viktor Krum was able to catch the Snitch, but Ireland had gathered so many points that they still lost. It happened rarely, but of course it did at the quidditch finale.

Erin cheered her throat hoarse as the referee ended the game.

"That was epic!" she said, her cheeks pink from the excitement. Marlo had been a lot more behaved during the match, occasionally applauding, but always as if she'd just sat through a two-hour-long speech. Erin didn't. She had a blast and she was not afraid to show it.

"You enjoyed yourself?" Oliver asked, a huge smile on his face. He had to shout to be understandable over the cheering crowd.

"Of course I did! Thank you for taking me!" Erin yelled back. They stood up to leave and Erin ignored the mocking looks Marlo threw at her. She'd have to put up with her for a couple more hours though, as the Puddlemere United team (and their plus-ones) were having a little after-party. They'd stay the night and tomorrow they'd go back to Oliver's house, as she'd be leaving for Hogwarts in just four days.

Erin grabbed Oliver's hand tightly to not lose him in the crowd. He protectively wrapped an arm around her waist, which made her smile like an idiot.

They finally made it out and Erin admired the fireworks that were colouring the sky. Everyone was so happy, even the Bulgarian supporters, and the atmosphere was simply brilliant.

"You're really cute, you know", Oliver said, taking her by surprise.

"What? What do you mean?" she asked, blushing.

"You get happy because of the smallest things. You smile a lot, it's cute."

"Captain, we're at the Quidditch World Cup. I don't think that's a small thing", Erin laughed.

"You know what I mean", he complained, bumping her shoulder.

"Well, I have a lot of things to be happy about." She looked up at Oliver to see him staring back at her, a loving look in his eyes.

"Come on, you two. We need to get this party started!" Benjy walked past, dragging them both with him to a big, blue tent. It was decorated with the big Puddlemere United logo. Lots of the team members were already inside and the atmosphere was joyful and relaxed, which made Erin relax a bit too. She felt like a child among these players, but she was not going to let that show, especially because Marlo bloody Deverill was there too.

She was getting herself a drink, so Erin dragged Oliver to the other side of the tent, where some of his teammates were sitting around a fire.

"So, Wood, when are you going to introduce us to your lovely lady?" One of his team mates grinned as they sat down in one of the couches. Erin had stayed in a magical tent before, but she still thought it was so remarkable what magic could do.

"Ah, right now, I guess", Oliver chuckled. "This is Erin, my girlfriend. Erin, this is Erold, Jocelyn, Brent, Xavier and Samira." Erin looked at Oliver's team mates and waved awkwardly, whimpering a small "hi". She really needed to work on her confidence.

"She's still in high school, isn't that cute?" Erin heard, which caused her mood to drop severely.

"Here you go, you seemed thirsty, Ollie", Marlo said and handed him a cup of Pumpkin Juice, sitting on the other side of him. Oliver awkwardly took the cup. Erin wondered if he noticed how flirty Marlo was behaving. She didn't like it one bit.

"What would you like to drink, love?" Oliver asked her, shaking her from her thoughts.

"Oh, I'll get myself a cup of Pumpkin Juice, don't worry", she said. Oliver shook his head and handed her the cup.

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