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8 years later. (I didn't exactly follow J.K.Rowling's endings ... because Fred :D)

"It's nice to have you all for myself for a night", Erin smiled and laid her head on Oliver's shoulder. They were sitting on a bench that looked out over the shore, where the sun was slowly disappearing behind the water. They had bought their house four years ago, a little after the Battle of Hogwarts, when things had calmed down again and normal life started to pick up.

It was a cute little home in a nearly all-wizard village near Plymouth. It was a great location because it was close to her mother's house and coincidentally also close to the Weasleys. The best aspect was the huge garden, where Oliver had placed three hoops on either side. Although they both spent every single day on the quidditch pitch, he could still come home and play some more with just as much enjoyment.

Erin didn't become a professional quidditch player in the end, but got an even better position. Right after she left Hogwarts, she started an internship as co-coach of the Holyhead Harpies. Since no quidditch matches were held at Hogwarts that year, she didn't get scouted and therefore had to look for another way in. But she fell so in love with coaching a team that she soon forgot her Chaser dreams. And they liked her. After three years of being co-coach, she was promoted to official coach of the Harpies.

Ginny had become one of her team members, which was terrific. They had never really talked at Hogwarts, but they soon clicked as she had a very similar personality to the twins. And through her friendship with Ginny, she also stayed in touch with Harry, Fred and George, who had opened a joke shop in Diagon Alley.

George did end up finding a girl that could give him her whole heart. Her name was Marilyn Rose and she owned the bookshop on the other side of the road where Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was located. They were a perfect match. Fred married Angelina Johnson just two months ago, which wasn't a surprise to anyone. Their wedding was a blast to say the least.

Benjamin had also grown up and didn't end up with Hannah Abbott. Erin was surprised at first, until Benji told her that he had realised that he wasn't into girls in general. He was on the verge of moving out of the house as well to live with his boyfriend of two years, Devon Griffin. They both worked at the Ministry for the Department of Magical Games and Sport, where they met.

Probably the best part of the location of their house was that Beatrice lived just two blocks away. They had decided that in fifth year and luckily, Meredith didn't care where they'd live, as long as they were together. They had recently adopted a little baby wizard who had been dropped off at Wool's Orphanage. They were a picture perfect family.

She didn't see her previous Hufflepuff team much, but they had decided at the end of the year that they would meet up every year on June 10th and in eight years, none of them had missed a single one of their dates. Erin still got a little sad realising that Cedric should've been there too, but the Triwizard Tournament had cruelly robbed the world of his beautiful presence. Erin hadn't been super close to Cedric in her last year as there hadn't been any quidditch, but his death had still gone straight to her heart.

"It's lovely here, isn't it?" Oliver whispered, wrapping an arm around her waist. Oliver still played for Puddlemere and would probably continue doing so for quite a few years. Benjy had become one of Erin's best friends and even Marlo was tolerable. They would never be the best of friends, but they spoke with each other voluntarily nowadays and she was kind of funny.

"It really is", Erin sighed, laying a hand on her stomach.

She was one month pregnant. She had told Oliver about it two weeks ago and his reaction had been priceless. They had talked about it before and were planning on getting kids soon, but they had never purposely tried getting them. But fate had listened and soon, a little baby Wood was growing inside of her.

When she told Oliver about it, he simply stared at her for a full minute, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"I'm going to be a dad?" he had asked, his voice merely a whisper. Erin had nodded, happy tears leaking from the corner of her eyes. The next thing she knew, he had swooped her up and twirled her around, yelling loudly that he couldn't believe he was going to be a dad. Immediately after, he had put her back down, afraid that he had stressed out the two-weeks-old baby. He was adorable.

"I can't wait until we can take our little one out here", Oliver grinned. "Swimming, building sand castles. Sand Hogwarts." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"What house do you think he's going to be in?" Erin smiled.

"He? How do you know it's a he?"

"I don't know, I have a feeling", Erin shrugged. It didn't matter what gender this baby was going to be. It was their little creation so she'd love it as much as she could either way.

"I hope it's a girl. I'm going to make sure she's an absolute badass", Oliver smirked, giving Erin a kiss on her head.

"Right, and then when she's a teenager, she'd go out with a boy or a girl and you'd get all protective like you always do", Erin laughed. She could just imagine him interrogating the poor soul that was going to date their child.

"But to answer your question, they have to be sorted into Gryffindor. There's no other way", he smiled. The Gryffindor gene was definitely strong in Oliver's personality, so Erin wouldn't be surprised, nor would she mind.



"I want to tell you something", Oliver said and stood up, taking Erin's hand and pulling her up as well.

"What do you want to tell me, Captain?" she smiled.

"I want to tell you that I love you", Oliver whispered, pushing some hair out of her face. The sunset was casting an orange hue over her face, making her hair shine and her blush extra vibrant.

"I know that you love me. I love you too", she said and wrapped her arms around his neck, placing a kiss on his nose.

"I feel like I never told you truly how much I love you", Oliver mumbled, getting lost in her deep blue eyes. "I love the way you blush at every little compliment. I love how you always cheer the loudest, at every single one of my games. I love how you always know what I'm thinking and what I want. I love that you keep me focused and on my toes. I love that you are always there to listen, whatever I want to vent about and I love that I still feel like a sixteen-year-old boy with a massive crush every single day."

Tears sprang in Erin's eyes as she listened to his beautiful words. Oliver didn't often say things like this, but when he did, it went straight to her heart. She swelled with pride, knowing that this incredible man was all hers.

"And I also want to ask something", Oliver said, gently rubbing his nose against hers.

"What's that?" Erin said, her voice a mere whisper. Suddenly, Oliver let go of her and reached into the pocket of his jacket. Erin gasped as he got down on one knee, opening the small velvet box.

"Erin Evans, love of my life, would you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?"

Tears were streaming down Erin's face as she nodded fiercely. Words refused to come out of her mouth as she was in total shock.

"I suppose that's a yes?" Oliver chuckled as he came back up and gently placed the ring on her finger. It was simple and silver, lined with tiny little diamonds.

"Yes, yes yes, of course I want to!" Erin cried as she had finally found her words again. She jumped into Oliver's arms, hugging him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her and placed small little kisses on her cheek. Soon, their lips found each other as perfectly as they always did. Tears mixed with smiles and shock with euphoria. It was perfect.

"I love you so much", Erin whispered, cupping Oliver's face in her hands, who looked happier than he ever had been. Not even winning the Quidditch World Cup would bring him as much joy as the girl standing in front of him.

She was his love, and he was her Captain.

The End.

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