Chapter 47 - I swear to god, woman

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"George, get back here!" Erin yelled as she chased one of the twins down the hallway. She had been studying for an Arithmancy test that was coming up in the library whilst the twins wanted her to help with one of their new inventions. When she declined, George had stolen her Arithmancy book and made a run for it. Hence why she was hashing him down the hallway.

"Catch me if you can!" he yelled. He had way longer legs, so there was no way she could catch him. She slowed down and sighed. Now she couldn't study at all and it annoyed her. She made her way back to the library where Fred was still waiting.

"Didn't catch him?" he smirked, to which Erin replied with a nasty glare.

"Merlin, it's just Arithmancy. It's boring anyway." Erin shoved her books, not having any of it.

"Well sorry if I take my grades seriously", she snapped and headed out.

"Come on, Erin, don't be mad!" Fred yelled. George walked in as she headed for the exit.

"So you're coming with us?" he asked.

"No. Now give me the bloody book back."

"Come on Erin, we need you."

"And I need to study. Give. It. Back!" George noticed how annoyed she was and gave her back the book.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry", he mumbled. Erin ignored him and walked out of the library. She had been extremely tense these past three days and she just couldn't deal with them right now. She hadn't received any letters from Oliver anymore since the one from Marlo and it made her nervous. Had he given up? But her letter would have gotten there by now, right? Would he write her back? Or should she have written more than three small words? This is why she wanted to wait until Christmas break.

"Hey, Erin, please don't be mad at me, I didn't mean to", George said, blocking her path.

"Well then don't be so annoying", she said, causing George's face to fall. That was harsh and Erin realised it.

"I'm sorry", she sighed. "I don't mean that, I'm just a little on the edge." She sat down in the window sill and stuffed the book in her bag. George sat down next to her.

"Why's that?" he asked. Erin didn't really want to talk about it, she just wanted the next two weeks to go by really fast. She wasn't even excited about the Yule Ball anymore.

"Just a little worried. I haven't received any letters anymore."

"Did you respond to him?"

"I did", Erin sighed, gnawing on her lip. "Three days ago."

"Well, owl post can be excruciatingly slow. I bet his letter in on its way. Just give it another day or two."

"Guess you're right", she mumbled. She was constantly trying to think of what she would do if he didn't reply to her and it killed her. She didn't know what she would do.

"Do you still want to go to the Yule Ball?" George asked after a while. Did Erin? She kind of did. Fred and Beatrice were going together, so it'd be an absolute blast. She just hoped she could get herself to enjoy it.

"Yeah, of course I do", she said. She'd be fine.

"That's great, because I've been practicing my dance moves and I have to say, they're pretty wicked", George joked, standing up and twirling around.

"You're an absolute idiot", Erin said, a smile tugging on her lips.

"But I'm making you smile, or am I not?" George wiggled his eyebrows.

"No, you're not", Erin said, forcing herself to stop smiling, just to annoy him.

"I think I am", George grinned, grabbing her hands and pulling her off the window sill. He dramatically twirled her around and forced her to dance with him.

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