Chapter 9 - You sure about that, Wood?

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Erin had made a huge to-do list and slowly worked her way through it on Thursday, in between classes. She needed to write her mum back, finalise her strategy for their first match against Gryffindor, build up a new training schedule, prepare the upcoming training sessions, reserve the pitch, talk to her team and study for both Charms and Herbology.

She had just finished writing the letter to her mum, planning to go to the Owlery later. She had told Erin that she had been saving up for Benji's broom for a while, so a Nimbus 2000 was possible, which was terrific news. Her mum had ordered it and it would arrive in a couple of days. Erin wrote her about becoming captain too, which had finally sunken in completely. She was the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team, one of the four captains out of the entire school.

She had just started on completing her training schedule when Cedric walked in. He looked at Erin for a while and then made his way over to her.

"Can I sit?" he asked, to which Erin nodded.

"Congratulations on becoming team captain, you deserve it", he said, a little forced, extending his hand. Erin gladly took it, relieved that he wasn't angry at her.

"Thank you, that means a lot, I know how much you wanted it too."

"No, Madame Hooch was right. It wasn't right to play the match without you. Plus, you're good at it, you'll do great." Cedric was a great guy and one of the people on the team Erin got along with the best.

"Well, I could still use some help if you're up for it. What do you think? I was thinking about three practices a week, two of them training skills, one of them on game strategy."

Cedric took the seat besides her and looked at her notes. They discussed their training strategy, their game plan against Gryffindor and new moves to try this year. Tomorrow would be their first practice and Erin would lead it.

"Hey Erin, I'm heading out for Transfiguration, don't you have that class?" Anthony Rickett, one of the Hufflepuff's beaters, asked. Erin looked at her watch, completely lost in time.

"Oh bloody hell, you're right. I have to go Cedric, see you!" She grabbed her notebooks, ran up to her dorm to grab her stuff, quickly combed her hair and ran down the stairs again. Anthony was still waiting for her. They had three classes together, but for some reason they never walked to class together. Maybe she could make that a habit.

"Thanks for that, I completely lost track of time", she said, leaving the Hufflepuff common room.

"No problem, busy with quidditch already?" Anthony asked.

"You bet. I plan to kick some Gryffindor ass", she grinned. It'd be weird to play against Oliver as they had been working alongside each other for the past month.

"I think you'll do great, you have my full dedication, captain", he grinned. Anthony wasn't exactly Erin's type look-wise, but personality-wise he definitely was. For some reason she didn't feel much when she was around him though. He had a darker skin tone, with dark curls that were shorter on the sides and longer on top. He had light brown eyes and defined abs, which is something Erin had definitely noticed during practice sometimes.

"Here you go", he said and held open the door of the Transfiguration classroom for her.

"Well thank you, kind sir", Erin bowed dramatically and entered. He'd be a very good friend though.

Transfiguration was never Erin's favourite class, but she was rather good at it. They were working on Human Transfiguration, which was pretty exciting. Professor McGonagall also quite liked her, as she was always attentive during class. She was a lot less fan of Beatrice, which is why the girl didn't get a high enough grade to choose Transfiguration as a N.E.W.T class. The class was always three hours long though, so Erin was happy when they were dismissed and it was almost time for supper.

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