Chapter 31 - We'll be okay

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Dating Oliver was the best thing that had ever happened to Erin. Every day she'd wake up with a smile and every night she'd go to bed with one.

Oliver was an outstanding boyfriend, which Erin had to admit she hadn't expected. He was a little possessive some times, but Erin liked that. It made her feel loved.

Every morning after breakfast he'd walk her to class and if they had a free period together, they'd spend some time together. Usually they just laid in the grass next to the Great Lake together, talking about basically everything, but mostly quidditch. He'd always come to see her right before curfew, just to give her a kiss goodnight. They didn't really fight much. Erin had to push him a little to get him to apologize to George and they sometimes argued when he got grumpy because she talked to George, but it wasn't a big deal. They bickered, but never had actual fights. Erin was happy.

She still tutored him, but more because she liked spending time with him. Oliver's grades had become quite good actually, but their tutor sessions had become more like make out sessions anyway.

She was so, so happy.

It was the beginning of April and the first warm day of the year. Erin had taken advantage of that by dragging Oliver to the Courtyard for a game of Gobstones.

She was roaring with laughter after Oliver had lost yet another round.

"Quit laughing, will you?" he complained, smiling as well. "I don't like this game."

"Oh I thoroughly enjoy it", Erin grinned, throwing another stone.

"Let's do something else."

"No, we just started", Erin said, sporting her best puppy eyes.

"Come on love, you know I'm immune to the eyes", Oliver grinned and took her by her waist, dragging her closer to him.

"Are you sure?" Erin asked, still looking at him.

"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, there are far better things to do than Gobstones", he said, giving her a little kiss on her nose.

"Hmm, I like the way you are thinking", Erin said, pecking him on the lips.

"Let's go to the lake", Oliver said and stood up. He extended his hand and pulled Erin up. When he touched her waist to keep her steady, she flinched.

"Forgot just how ticklish you are", Oliver smirked.

"I'm not."

"I think you are." Erin wanted to take a step away, knowing what Oliver was up to, but he kept her close. His hand snaked around her waist, tickling the spot he just discovered.

"No, no Oliver, stop it!" Erin laughed, trying to get out of his grip.

"Now this is something I thoroughly enjoy." Erin finally broke free from his grasp and made a run for it towards the lake, Oliver on her heels.

"Come on slowpoke! Good thing you aren't a Chaser", Erin teased as her feet hit the grass. She ran past a group of Ravenclaws, the sunlight warming her skin. She slowed down slightly, giving Oliver the opportunity to catch up with her. He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her with him to the ground.

"Got you", Oliver whispered as he pushed a strand of hair out of her face. She slowly kissed him.

"You got me."

Everything was perfect, too perfect.

"Miss Evans, can you come with me please?" Erin looked up surprised, not expecting to be interrupted by a teacher. Professor Sprout was looking at the two with a mixture of happiness and sadness on her face.

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