Chapter 20 - So who did you hook up with?

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Erin went to bed late, but happy that night. She did think about it for quite a while, but overall pleased with the outcome. Her going to bed so late did result in a rather hectic morning, as she slept through her alarm, was then woken up by Beatrice, but fell asleep again.

"E, seriously! You're going to be late for breakfast!" Beatrice yelled in her ear. Erin woke up stat, looking at her watch. Shit, she only had half an hour to get breakfast. She quickly hopped into the shower and used multiple spells to dry her hair. Beatrice had already left as she didn't want to miss breakfast. Erin was suddenly wide awake though, so she quickly pulled on her uniform, threw on her cloak and put on some shoes. Making her bag would have to wait until after breakfast, because she only had ten minutes left.

Luckily, the Great Hall wasn't too far from the Hufflepuff common room, so Erin only had to walk for a little while. One Gryffindor girl laughed at her, which Erin thought was rude, but she didn't expect much more from second-years.

When she entered the Great Hall, she really noticed it. People were staring at her, whispering, some laughing. Erin was extremely confused, wiping her face in case she had missed some toothpaste. She quickly made her way over to Beatrice, who was staring at her with an open mouth.

"Okay, someone please tell me what the hell is going on right now", Erin hissed, still being looked at by so many students.

"Erin, you're wearing a Gryffindor cloak", Beatrice said, bursting out laughing. Erin looked down, her eyes becoming the size of Bludgers. Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Erin quickly pulled off the cloak, stuffing it underneath the table, her head becoming bright red. She had taken Oliver's cloak instead of her own. People were still staring at her and Erin could pretty much die of shame, right there.

Erin looked up to see that Oliver was one of the people staring at her. He looked highly amused. Luckily he was wearing a spare cloak, so no one knew it was his.

"So, you care to tell me where you got that cloak from, young lady?" Beatrice asked. The entire Hufflepuff table was trying to listen in on the conversation.

"Yeah, I'd like to know too", Tamsin said. Erin noticed that Anthony looked rather uncomfortable. Although there were no interesting reasons behind having Oliver's cloak, this couldn't be fun for him. She needed to talk to him soon.

"I just borrowed it because it was cold and forgot to give it back, no big deal", Erin, said, trying to get out of this conversation as soon as possible.

"When you snuck out last night? Don't think I didn't notice", Tamsin smirked. "So who did you hook up with?"

"No one! Merlin it's not like that", Erin said but she couldn't help but blush madly again. Just the thought...

"Then who did you meet?" Tamsin asked again, quoting the word "meet" as if it was a synonym of hooking up.

"I think I should go", Erin said and stood up. Most students were leaving the Great Hall, so she could try to blend in. She grabbed the cloak, folded it as small as she could, making sure the Gryffindor badge and the red colour were wrapped away, and bolted out the hall. When she was finally in an empty hallway, she leaned against a wall, trying to cope with the amount of shame she was feeling.

"Well, well." Erin opened her eyes to see a smirking Oliver Wood walking her way.

"No, don't you dare!" Erin said before he could start. "I overslept and didn't notice." Oliver chuckled.

"Well it was definitely amusing." Erin narrowed her eyes and threw the folded-up cloak to his head.

"You're terrible", Erin joked to which he shrugged.

"Well, I thought you looked good in red", he said as he walked away. Erin's heart stopped for a little bit. Did he just say she looked good?

As she walked back to the common room, she bumped into Anthony. He smiled at her, but not like he usually did.

"Hey Anthony, do you think we could have a little chat sometime today?" Erin asked hesitantly.

"Yeah sure, I have class though. After practice tonight?" he asked and Erin nodded. She only had Transfiguration today, so she promised herself to spend some time actually studying in the library.

The day went by surprisingly fast. Although people still made jokes about her wearing the wrong cloak this morning, soon, most people had forgotten about it. Erin studied a bit for Arithmancy, prepared for her quidditch practice and then went a little early to set up the pitch for their drills of the day. She was slightly dreading her conversation with Anthony, but it needed to be done.

She so desperately wanted to like him more than she did, but she couldn't force such things. She enjoyed hanging out with him, but she could never reciprocate the same feelings he had for her and it wasn't fair to string him along like that.

So when practice ended, Erin quickly took a shower and then went to find Anthony so they could talk before supper.

He was in the common room, his nose in a huge book about Magical Creatures. Anthony was really, really good at that subject as his parents were both magizoologists and had passed his O.W.L's easily with an Outstanding.

"You've got some time?" Erin asked. Anthony nodded and put his book away. They walked out of the common room, to one of the large window sills that looked out onto the Courtyard.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Anthony asked. How was Erin going to phrase this? I know you like me, but I don't like you back? She sighed.

"Well, it's a little complicated", she said. "But I feel like I should be honest with you."

"You're in love with Oliver Wood?" Erin looked up surprised, not expecting that at all.

"What? I- what? How did you-", she stammered.

"I'm not blind, Erin. Anyone can see that you're in love with him." Erin looked down, blushing slightly. Was it that obvious?

"You don't mind?" she asked quietly.

"Well, of course I'm not super thrilled about it, but there's nothing much I can do about it, right? I did my best." Erin sighed. She knew exactly what he was feeling. Loving someone who doesn't love you back is the absolute worst.

"I'm really sorry. I don't understand why, because you're literally the perfect guy", Erin chuckled.

"Sure", Anthony laughed.

"Seriously! You're like really smart, really handsome, really kind, really humble, really good at quidditch. It's honestly creepy."

"Well, thanks, I guess", he said smiling.

"I don't understand it, but I can't help it. Oliver just causes me to feel things I've never felt before and I wish it was different, because it only brings me a lot of heartache", Erin said, her mood dropping slightly.

"He does like you, I'm sure of it. He just hasn't realised it himself", Anthony said. Erin wasn't very sure about that.

"But we're still friends, right? I need someone to play Wizard's Chest with so it can boost my confidence once in a while", Erin joked.

"Of course we are, but I'm definitely going to beat you next time", he smirked. Erin wished things were as easy with Oliver as they were with Anthony.

"And what about Hogsmeade? You still want to go with me?" Anthony asked. Erin thought of Oliver's offer, but quickly shook away the thought.

"Definitely, but we still need to finish that game to decide who's buying Butterbeer." Even though she really liked Oliver, not everything had to make room for him. Her friends came first now, so he'd just have to ask her out again if he was interested. Erin was done waiting around for him.

"Hot chocolate in the common room?" Anthony wiggled his eyebrows, his dark brown eyes sparkling.

"Race you to the kitchen."

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