Chapter 6 - I need everyone out, now

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Beatrice was a little skeptical about Erin hanging out with Oliver, but the same was the case for Oliver's friends. Angelina was the first to notice. She commented on it when she noticed Oliver giving the latest edition of Which broomstick  to Erin in the Great Hall.

"Since when do you speak to Erin Evans?" she asked suspiciously when he sat down at their table.

"Not so long. She's trying out for captain and could use some help."

"You're helping her?" Katie joined. "Why would you help someone from another team?" Oliver shrugged.

"Aha you're just trying to figure out their tactic, aren't you?" Fred asked, making Oliver think of Erin's new move again. Updating them about their Hawkshead Spiral Dive could give them a massive advantage, but he had promised her he wouldn't tell them.

"She really wants it, so why wouldn't I help her?" Ever since they started talking, Erin got less and less defensive around him. He still hadn't figured out why she seemed to dislike him, but he didn't care much anymore.

"I know what it is", Angelina said. "Oliver is developing a little crush." Oliver almost choked on his pumpkin juice at what he was hearing. A crush on someone from another team? That was a thousand steps too far. He helped her become captain and he liked talking to her about quidditch, but that was it.

"Nope, not going to happen", he said, glancing over at the Hufflepuff table, where Erin sat. She sure was pretty, everyone could see that, but he could never see himself dating someone from another team. He didn't have time to date anyone in general.

Erin was looking through the magazine Oliver had lent her. Since Benjamin made it to the team, that meant that their mum would get him his own broomstick. She took the time during supper to leaf through the pages of Which Broomstick and afterwards she'd discuss which one to get with Oliver. Benjamin didn't know he was getting a broomstick yet because it was something Erin had discussed with her mother during summer, so she wanted it to be a surprise.

"Let's go to the dorms, I still have to finish that stupid Potions task", Beatrice sighed. She had chosen Advanced Potions as a N.E.W.T class and was already regretting it. Snape gave them loads of homework every time and that combined with Beatrice's art of procrastination was not a good combo.

"Can't, I'm meeting up with Oliver for Benji's broom, but I'll help you when I get back", Erin said.

"You're hanging with Oliver again? Merlin, start dating already", Beatrice grunted.

"We're just friends, barely even. More like ... quidditch mates", Erin said, cringing at how bad that sounded.

"So you're telling me you don't want to snog him every time he walks by?" Beatrice smirked.

"No! It's not like that", Erin whisper-yelled and punched Beatrice's arm. Erin was finally getting to the point where being just friends with Oliver seemed like a doable option, but that didn't mean Beatrice didn't have a point when she said Erin wanted to snog him every time she saw him. One-sided crushes were the worst, but at least she was slowly dealing with it.

"I just need to find a new crush", Erin stated, looking around the Great Hall. That had gotten Tamsin's attention, as she joined the conversation.

"Ooh we need to find you a snack? I'm happy to help", she said. "What's your type?"

"Gryffindor quidditch captain", Beatrice said immediately, earning another elbow to her arm.

"Really? Oliver? He's an absolute maniac", Tamsin said.

"No... She meant Charlie Weasley, that quidditch captain", Erin lied, shooting Beatrice her nastiest look to tell her to shut up.

"They just need to play quidditch, that's pretty much her only rule", Beatrice then said. Erin didn't like people discussing her love life. It made her feel so vulnerable.

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