Chapter 39 - Hmm, don't really care

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"Erin, you forgot this one!" Oliver called for her as Erin walked around the store confused, looking for the right books.

"Thanks you Captain", Erin said, taking the Charms book he handed her. She only needed five books this year and still she was struggling.

They had waited until the very, very last moment to get her stuff from Diagon Alley. The train was leaving in half an hour and she still needed to get snacks for this school year. She just hadn't been in the mood to think about leaving for school these past days. She had spent them doing their favourite things one more time, such as visiting the local farmer's market, apple picking and baking together. Oliver was a terrible cook, but they had fun.

Erin paid for her books and checked her watch again.

"Okay, we can make that, one more stop", she sighed. To spare some time, they apparated to the sweets shop.

"Erin, relax, you've got twenty minutes still", Oliver chuckled. Erin was stressed, but not so much about the time. Her departure that was nearing just brought a whole lot of anxiety with it.

"I know, sorry", she mumbled.

"Hey, we talked about the unnecessary apologizing." Erin opened her mouth to respond, but quickly shut it again as she was about to say what she was not supposed to say.


They walked around the store for a bit, selecting Erin's favourite sweets. She also bought a bunch of blue sugar quills. She didn't necessarily love them, but it reminded her of Oliver and she could use some extra reminders.

"Think that'll suffice", Erin chuckled at her basket, making her way to the register.

"That's my treat", Oliver said, getting out some coins.

"What? No, why would you do that?" Erin refused, but Oliver took her hands in his so she couldn't give him the money back.

"Because I want to." He gave her a quick peck on her nose.

"Fine", she whispered, taking the bag.

"Okay, there's one more stop before we go", Oliver said and pulled her with him.

"Oliver, we have ten minutes!" Erin sighed.

"It'll only take a minute, come on." Oliver dragged her through the street, taking a single turn.

"A photo booth?" Erin asked as they halted.

"Yeah, we don't have any pictures together. Don't you like it?" Oliver asked.

"Of course I like it. I love it", Erin blushed. He wanted a picture with her, that was adorable.

"But this time it's my treat", she grinned as she quickly put in some Knuts.

"Come on." She pulled Oliver in and quickly rearranged her hair.

"You look beautiful, love", Oliver whispered in her ear, wrapping his arms around her. Erin put her hands on his and smiled for the first picture.

"I should be a model", Erin joked as she crossed her eyes and poked out her tongue.

"What do you want to do next?" Erin asked, thinking of a next pose.

"Hmm... there's a lot of things I want to do", Oliver grinned. He turned her around and gazed into her eyes lovingly. He'd really miss her when she wouldn't be around every day anymore.

"I'd like that too", Erin whispered, quickly closing the gap. Their lips fitted together so nicely, as if they were made for each other. There wasn't anyone in the world she'd ever feel the same towards. He was her one and only.

"I think we were supposed to pose", Erin chuckled as she pulled away.

"Hmm, don't really care", Oliver whispered, kissing her again. Erin smiled. He made her so happy.

"We really have to go now", Erin said, checking her watch one last time. Oliver nodded and grabbed the two copies of the photos, handing her one. He grabbed her hand and together, they apparated to Platform 9 and 3/4. She had dropped off her trunk before they went into Diagon Alley so she wouldn't have to drag it around, so all that was left was to say goodbye.

Erin had already said goodbye to Oliver's parents before she left, as well as to her own mother. She knew there wouldn't be any time for that on the actual platform, so she had quickly apparated home last night during Oliver's quidditch practice. She wouldn't see her mother until Christmas.

"You're going to write to me every week?" Erin took a shaky breath. She knew she was going to get emotional, but she had a valid excuse this time. Three months was a long time.

"Definitely, and there's still the mirror, you know", Oliver said. They could still talk regularly, but it was his touch that she'd miss the most. She'd miss kissing him, hugging him, cuddling with him and everything in between.

She quickly pulled him into a hug so he wouldn't see the tears in her eyes. She pulled him against her as tightly as she could. Taking in his scent as she was afraid she'd forget about it.

"Don't be sad, it's just three months", Oliver said, but he too had a hard time keeping it together. He wasn't an emotional person at all, he couldn't remember the last time he had cried, but it was taking him a whole lot of effort to keep the tears in check. He wrapped his arms tightly around her shoulders, giving small kisses on her head.

"I think you have to leave now if you want to make it", Oliver chuckled, pulling away reluctantly. It killed him to see her glossy eyes.

"I don't know if I want to make it", she chuckled. Oliver cupped her face and kissed her one last time, trying his best to remember every single bit of it.

"Have a great term, okay?" he said, taking her hands in his. "Just have fun, kick some arses in quidditch and then I'll see you at the end of November, okay?"

"You show Puddlemere United what real quidditch is", Erin smiled. The train announced that it was about to leave so she gave him one last kiss and forced her feet to start moving. She boarded the train and couldn't help but look around one last time. Oliver waved at her, a small smile on her face.

"Bye Captain", she mouthed and then, the train was gone.

Erin felt incredibly sad, but luckily, she had a best friend to count on.

"This is going to be one tough year, isn't it?" Beatrice said, popping up behind her. Erin hadn't seen her all summer, as she'd be hanging out with Oliver and Beatrice was quite busy with Meredith.

"You could say that. Good to see you, B", Erin said, hugging her best friend.

"At least we've got each other. We'll get through it, right?"

"We will, most definitely."

They pulled apart and looked for a compartment. They soon found Michael, Anthony and Jonathan in one, so they joined them. Erin could use as many people around her as possible right now.

"So weird that Tamsin isn't here anymore", Michael sighed.

"Let's not think about that, it's making me nauseous", Erin complained, rubbing her eyes. Quidditch, right.

Since she had no Oliver around, she'd completely focus on quidditch this year to keep herself busy. This was her last year and since Cedric had promised she'd get her spot as Captain back, she'd take the opportunity completely. She had screwed up one match last year because of the fight with Oliver and missed another because of her dad's passing. This time she'd be completely focused. She wouldn't settle for anything less than second place.

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