Chapter 34 - You ready to meet my parents?

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Two months had never flown by faster. Time flies when you're having fun, muggles say. And Erin definitely had her fun. She wasn't captain of her quidditch team anymore, but Cedric had offered her the position again for next year. The season was over anyway. All that was left for this year was study for the exams and spnd as much time as possible with Oliver.

And she did. Things couldn't possibly be any better. The Puddlemere United scout had asked Oliver to visit one of their practices over summer, and of course he had agreed. He had been in a terrific mood ever since and if he was in a good mood, so was Erin.

Her favourite day was her birthday, because although Oliver wasn't always the most romantic person, he had really put in an effort.

He had waited outside of the Hufflepuff common room to escort her to breakfast. Then he had sent her a little birthday card via owl post. After classes he took her to the kitchen for a proper birthday cake party and they had spent the rest of the afternoon at the lake, talking and lots of making out. But his birthday gift was absolutely magical.

"I've got something for you", he had said when they laid down in the grass next to the Great Lake. Oliver was leaning against a tree whilst Erin sat between his legs, her head resting peacefully on his chest.

"Oh, do you?" she asked, looking up.

"I do", he said and searched in the pockets of his jacket. Erin turned around and watched him curiously.

"To celebrate your seventeenth birthday", he grinned, handing her a flat gift, which was wrapped pretty badly.

"Thank you", Erin grinned and gave him a quick kiss. She carefully opened the package, revealing a mirror.

"Are you saying I look bad?" Erin joked, looking into the mirror. Surprisingly, she didn't see her reflection.

"Not quite", Oliver grinned, searching through his pockets again. He got out a second mirror, exactly the same one as Erin was holding.

"Look at it." Erin held the mirror up again and she almost had a heart attach when she didn't see her reflection, but Oliver's.

"What the hell is this?" Erin laughed, confused.

"It's a two-way mirror. When I graduate and you're still here, we can still see each other. All you have to do is look into the mirror."

Erin looked into the mirror for a while, then holding it close to her chest.

"Thank you. That's honestly the very best gift ever", she said and snuggled in his shirt. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his lap.

"Can I see it again?" he mumbled as he turned her necklace in his hand. She had replayed the memory in it at least a thousand times, but it still brought her joy every time. She opened the locket and soon, the memory appeared. She watched herself run away from Oliver, before he grabbed her by her waist and pulled her back, causing them both to fall to the ground. She smiled as she watched him kiss her. She looked happy, she was happy.

And then a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Hey love, what's wrong?" Oliver asked confused as he noticed Erin's sudden mood change.

"It's nothing", Erin chuckled awkwardly, quickly wiping the tear away.

"It's definitely something." Oliver carefully closed the locket and gently lifted up her chin so she had to look him in the eyes.

"I'm just really going to miss you, Captain", she said with a shaky breath. She hadn't thought about it much, but she'd be here for an entire year and he wouldn't be. He smiled sadly as well, wiping a lost tear from her face.

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