Growing insecurities ⁉️ or strong attraction 🧲

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Siya's POV:

I was shocked 😲...
Yet won't lie... It was funny😂😂😂
After all Karma is a bitch 🤭
Bites back 😜

But he was shocked...
Next second i was frozen as he looked very very angry...

I was scared now..
And next second he held my wrist tightly and pulled me a little closer...

My eyes met his eyes...

His chocolate brown eyes 👁️
Now I know why he said it the other day that girls call it a chocolate tub ...
They are quite attractive!!!
I saw he was looking into my eyes deeply and I was feeling nervous...
He was looking into my eyes like he is lost in some deep thoughts...
I called his name...

But there was no response...

His angry expression also changed into a deep one! I can't even define what those eyes were conveying! Because it was seriously scaring me now!!

While I see his friends Suhaan and Alisha call him out loudly but he is still looking into my eyes like a lost lamb...

While the crowd that was making fun of me sometime ago was hooting for us!!!

They were all 'Ooooooooohhhh'

It was seriously crazy..

I called him loudly... 'Raghavvvv'

Next he started taking steps towards me like he is hypnotized!!!
I was taking every step behind...
While I heard Alisha shouting..
'Siyaaa come here'

And before I could move I was already pinned to the college pillar..

While I could hear the crowd going..

But this man was not in this world!!!

While his face was moving closer to me..

What the hell is he attempting 😳

Next second he caged me and said...

'Howwwww daaaaare you slap me!!!'

I had a lump in my throat 😳

His breath fanned on my face...

'Ra...Ra...Rag... Raghav...I...ddidnt...' that sorry came from my lungs literally... with a lot of air...

His angry gaze shifted from my eyes to my nose and then my lips!!!

I was shit scared now!

I swallowed my saliva...

The crowd started screaming...


The hell 😳😲

Has this crowd gone mad...

That second he moved very very close the my face... His breath hit my nose...

I was shivering.... My palms began to sweat!!!

I bit my lip curiously...

While my eyes were still popped out 😳

While next minute a heard a loud scream...


And behind him stood a girl in a pink tube top and a jeans... she looked furious...

She came and uncaged his hand that had framed me on the pillar
That minute Raghav's trans broke and he was back into his senses...

And I started breathing normally...

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