E for Emotions 🥺 ...E for Ego 🔥 - Part 1

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Raghav's POV:

(Sitting in Esha's cabin when Dr Nikam was checking mine and Siya's neck...Esha was chuckling and laughing hiding her face in her palms)

While I looked at her one last time and yelled

'What is it Esha??? What is so funny that you are laughing... come on spit out' I said angrily..

To which she burst out laughing...

'Nothing bro... was just thinking... when you were sooo not into marrying Siya & the progress your relationship showed ...Wooow you both ended up spraining necks in mere two days Ahhem Ahhem... I wont be surprised you break your bed in a week & next consultation come to this hospital asking for Dr Esha the Gynecologist...' And she burst out laughing.

Siya's eyes literally popped out... I was so embarrassed that I turned around, at the same time she too turned around and our heads dashed...

Esha's laughter went louder while Dr Nikam got scared...

'Dr Esha, my patients will run away yaar... Araam se (Slowly)' he said...

While Dr Nikam asked us both if we are using pillows while sleeping...

We nodded a yes...

'You both must quit pillows... just try sleeping straight on bed.. & ya no couch circus please...I know you both are working for one of India's most prestigious organization but please remember anything can be bought by money but not health...

Infact I believe you both are saying you both are newly married right...why dont you both take a honeymoon vacation...It will help you both relax!!'

I coughed while Siya stood up in one go....

Esha got her laughter fit attach again...

"Chill Chill Siyu... you both can just go on a vacation... its just that you both need rest to be given to your neck!!!"

While I stood up in one go and said...

"No Esha... I mean... we...we have important projects to be handled here... so you know... not possible!!!" I said and she smiled...

"Fine... but atleast get some good sleep...& no couch circus please" she said laughing...

God!!! what was this woman thinking when we said we slept on couch!!! Damn ... I must have explained her DIFFERENT COUCHES!!! SHIT!!!!!

Once the embarrassment session got over we went to office and as discussed we had different meetings to attend.

Siya was going to meet that stupid Abhinas Arora alone! That pervert! I somehow didnt want hee to...I dont trust him a pinch...

Just while going to office I saw Sapna at the door...Siya just ignored Sapna and left from there while Sapna said

"Hi Raghav... how are you"

I turned around and said "I am great Sapna..."

"I....I heard you married Si..Siya..." she said hesitantly..

I smiled saying "Yes I did... Thanks to your fiance & the hotel stunt you guys planned for... Great job by the way man... woow... anything further was left trying to tarnish our images Sapna?" I asked angrily...

"Raghav...Raghav... I... I didnt mean to... Believe me I wasnt into this trust me... Will I ever do this?" she had tears in her eyes and next minute she came to hug me..

SICK!!!  I pushed her away...

"In your limits !!! And you know what....You kind of a woman... can do anything if you can lie to me for so many years Sapna... you are a snake !!! And you are entertained here only because our company has invested into your so called fiance;s organization!!! Believe me if this was only Sehgal India...Guards would have thrown you & your rotten fiance outside the premises right away! You are a shame on the name of a woman Sapna... Forget me..Once you didnt think about Siya na? Her family...her reputation...her father...her grandmother...no one right??? How??? How i mean...I am ashamed that once upon a time I liked someone like you..."

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