Destiny Planned this one for us?

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Raghav's POV:

I had asked entire family to gather at the dinner table while I still requested Vikrant to stay back. Vishal papa was with Siya in hospital while Samay Bhai and Deepa Bhabhi had as well arrived today afternoon from London.

I asked my friends to stay back in the hospital just in case they needed any help. I also asked Vikrant to stay with me as there were so many things to be unleashed today! And he knew so much...

While I saw everyone was at the dining table Daadi was also been told about Siya, she looked quite broken but she managed to take a seat..

'Thanks everyone for joining here at this short notice...'

While Daadi looked at me and said...
'Are you thanking your own family son? You know right we are all yours'

I hugged Daadi and smiled..

'Because one amongst these is responsible for my Siya's current condition Daadi'

While I saw Daadi was shocked and next I looked at my family members while Dad pulled me up 'Have you gone mad Raghav... do you know what your talking? Why will anyone from our family do this huhhh???'

I saw dad and told 'For money, property, power... obviously dad!!!'

Next second dad was fuming and he said 'Shutup Raghav...are you doubting our family? No one is money hungry here...we all sticked together even during our worst'..

To which I smiled and said...
'Its fine dad soon you'll know everything...Siya has left these papers for me... She's said everything in this letter dad every damn thing is in this here. And you guys don't need to worry. Siya has not just written the culprit's name in this letter but also transferred all ours as well her property papers to a charitable trust!!! In donation!!!'
I lied!!!
But that was the only way around!!!

While suddenly I heard Niyonika chachi ask 'And house?'

She looked quite curious...

'Well chachi ..she has sold this house to a foreign investor and the money as well would go to the charitable we will have to shift to a rented house...not to worry I have to organised for a rented house in Ghatkopar ... Ofcourse all of us will miss Bandra, luxuries in this house....but what can we's our fate...our destiny... but still it's fine we are together na'

While that very moment Niyonika chachi looked quite pissed ..

'No... Why should we leave this house and go huhhh??? This is our house...'

'Yes chachi but Daadi gave it to dad who had pledged this we have lost it as Siya purchased this house post merger and now she has donated it as her medical condition is bad... come lets all start packing...'

While although our family was shocked... No one protested and stood rooted to their places

"Raghav one second..she can't throw us out of the house'

I turned around and saw again it was Niyonika chachi...she looked quite angry...

Now my heart started beating really bad!!!

Let it not be!!!

Let it not be her!!!

I won't be able to take it!!!

She has fed me morsels like my mom!!!

She's no less than ma to me!!!

Let it not be her!!!

Infact after Ma's accident she took over the responsibility of the entire house hold! She helped in business too!

Wait a minute!

Written in our Destiny (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now