Mr & 'Mrs Raghavendra Sehgal' ❤️

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Raghav's POV:

Chaddha took her along with him to the dance floor and slowly started dancing with her...

While I felt a hand on my shoulder...

It was Anuj...

'So...I didn't know you are so modest to let go your wife dance with that 'Chaddi boy' on your reception Bhai'

I was narrowing my eyebrows...

While Vish caught my hand and said..
'Oh come on Anuj....look at bhabhi... she's sooo pretty... who wouldn't want to spend a few minutes with her...'

While I heard Esha say...
'Yeah Vishi...but don't you think that boy is dancing a little tooooo close to Siya...I mean look at his hands... '

That's when I noticed his hand on Siya's waist...

You bloody Chaddi!!!

My blood boiled 😡

While Anuj said...
'Arrreee big deal yaar... Bhai doesn't feel mad or sad... Right Bhai???'

To which I shot Anuj a glare...

'Ohhh ofcourse...big deal... bhai can get to dance with any girl... By the way Bhai why are you not dancing'  Vish asked...

'Areee yaar... No partner na...see Chaddi robbed his wife!!' Esha said...

While I was grinding my teeth and I quickly looked at Esha and said...
'He iss just dancing with herrrrr!!!  Nothing else!!! She's still my WIFE!!!
Mine!!!' I said while my eyes literally were shooting daggers at that Chaddha ...

Next minute Vish told me...
'Come bhai...looks like no one is interested in a married Raghavendra Sehgal... Come... Let's dance'

Saying she pulled me on the floor...

While the music kept playing...

I saw that Chaddi was telling Something in her ears and she was laughing 😡

What did he tell her 😡

Why is he sticking so close to her...

Is it really tough to dance at a distance while doing a ballroom dancing!!!

Idiot! Chaddi !!!

While Vish told me...
' are supposed to dance with me and not ogle at Bhabhi like an owl'

'I will kick your butt Vish...Shutup and dance!!!' I warned her...

While suddenly music switched to a romantic music...

🎵🎶 Behir music plays

Next minute I see him getting closer to her...

That's it!!!

I lost my head !!!

Siya's POV:

Vikrant was a gentleman... and an excellent businessman.

I had immense respect for how he built a business from scratch while I had heard his family business had dipped into losses some years ago.

He was indeed an inspiration for youngsters and someone like me who just ascended the CEO throne.

While we were still talking about our childhood days someone's hand held Vikrant's biceps...

I noticed Raghav was standing there with a tough expression which he forced into a smile and said...

'Chaddi...I mean Vikrant... would you mind if I dance with MY WIFFFE!!!'

And I noticed he stressed on wife a tad bit more...

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