Tornado 🌪️ meets her Rainbow 🌈...

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Siya's POV:

I could hear him knock the door continously and his voice was hammering my ears... But I didnt want to see him...listen to him... talk to him...

I hate you Raghavendra Sehgal...

You not only broke my heart you didnt value this marriage and didnt keep its respect too.. I hate you...I just hate you...

I was going on crying... While suddenly I heard his voice calling my name stopped...

Probably he left...

Left... again...

To go to her??? That ...That baby of his...

That brought more tears in my eyes... My heart was paining really bad... I was a crying mess...

I pressed my face hard at the pillow and continue weeping while after a few minutes I heard the door knob click again...

My ears alerted and within a second this man was inside the room while he muttered a thank you to someone and closed the door and bolted within seconds...

I didnt want to be in the same room as he was in...

So I quickly got up from the bed and started going towards the door...

While he came in front of me and started telling...

"Siya listen to me... Listen... Siya... I am sorry... I didnt know"

While I didnt want to see his face and wanted to leave the room.. I passed by him while he held my wrist tightly...

"Siya... I am sorry.. I really didnt know... I know I did a mistake.. I am ready to apologize" he said...

And I lost the last string of patience while tears started flowing from my eyes non stop...

"So you accepted it.... wooooow... now what can we do huhh? Correct it really? I dont want to see your cunning face Raghavendra Sehgal... You disgust me..your touch duisgusts me... Just let me go... Forget listening to you... even breathing in the same room as that of you are... Is toxic to me right now... Let me go... you beast!!!" I screamed and swatted his hand and started to go to the door...

While he held my shoulder... "Please Siya.... Please I really didnt know... Its only when Divya told me I"

At the mention of her name I was ignited and something burnt real high inside me that I turned around and gave one tight slap on his face...

While my blood red teary eyes shot him daggers...

I saw his face... He had a swelling on his right cheek...If it was any other time I would be interested in consoling him... But this man had the audacity to take that bitch's name infront of me... That was enough to spurt my anger and strangle him to death!

He was shocked...

While I was grinding my teeth...

"Dont you dare... Dont you bloody dare take that bitch's name... You want her na... Go... Go to her... why are you here? I was also thinking why is this man so not interested in me... While one month back he desperately kissed me.... Honestly when you told me yesterday in the shower that you were attracted to me from college days.. I felt a pang of hope ring in my heart for our relationship.. But..


I was wrong...

You are a liar... A cheat.. despo!!! Despo to just stick his mouth into anything.. I was so right about you...You know what just go...No wait... call her here and I will go...

Written in our Destiny (COMPLETED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum