S2 E4 : 🚬 B47 🚬 (Ch. 169)

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"I'll make a deal with you, good sir." I grinned up at the sharp shooter on our team, "If you let me go, I'll stay close enough you can grab me and we'll run out, together."

No harm can be done when you stay close to The Ten Thousand. 

"And if you don't?" He crossed his arms over his chest as his resting face expressed his lack of amusement at the beginning of my deal.

"If I don't stay close enough to where you can grab me, I'll owe you one kiss."

As soon as the end of the deal had been set, we were both flustered with embarrassment and stuck between wanting to act tough or crawl in an empty grave. I felt the organ behind my rib cage begin to beat as 10K said nothing in return.

Did I cross a boundary? Was that too much for our friendship? I could feel my grin beginning to die down with my heart that was slowly deflating. I shouldn't feel this much disappointment over a silly kiss, should I?

A throat was cleared from behind 10K before a familiar, white-hairy arm was slung around the sniper's shoulders, "You drive a hard bargain but we'll take it."

I felt the corners of my lips prick into a small smile when Doc had agreed for 10K, who didn't agree or disagree with the approval. I wonder who else heard the small gamble I made. 

Taking the initiative like Doc had done, since 10K clearly could not, I extended my hand out, feeling my goofy grin coming back to life with my heart.

Doc always taught me that it's never a deal unless the both parties shook on it. I could see Doc had nudge 10K's back, knocking him out of whatever daydream he had been stuck in.

I hope it was a good daydream about us. As he shook his head, I watched as every dishevel strand of his dark colored hair shook. 

In one swift motion, all his thoughts had been vanished, and he took my smaller hand in his much larger one. Alright, it's a step taken by me. 

"Deal." We both confirmed. 

I released his hand from our agreement, turning my back to him when the scientist began to express his gratitude towards us in the form of free, preferred weapons, "I have protection for you."

Let's try to calm this blush down, (Y/N).

Warren shook her head, her hands motioning towards her guns and moving with her sentence, "That's okay, I'm going like this. I need to be able to move to fight."

"Yeah, I like to be able to run from danger." Doc joked but was completely serious on the inside. 

We all need to be able to move around, excessively. Warren stepped up to the plate, though, and grabbed a satchel like Doc and 10K had done together.

Before our female leader could take a step away from the table, the wannabe scientist stopped her again, "I wouldn't take your guns. Bullets don't kill plants."

So, not only are we having to garden, we also can't kill any of the zombies in there? 

"I would take these." He urged us, once again motioning towards the variety of tools they had made.

I took a couple steps closer to the weaponry holder and grabbed a modified axe. Everything about it screamed 'I belong in a fire station' from the man-made handle to the weight of the sharp metal.

Though the force of it was already mighty, the people here had taken it into their own grasps to modify it for the apocalypse, not a fire. Spikes were stabbed all the way down until the very bottom, enough room available to grab the handle with two hands. 

I had gotten a good grip on my new weapon, swinging it around--making sure to stay away from everyone. Always test your weapons before you get out into a battle with them. You need to trust what you weld more than the people around you. 

I watched as Warren grabbed a common farming tool that had a sharp, curved blade before heading towards Vasquez. The two talked amongst their selves, turning their backs to their people and the new group so we wouldn't be able to read their expressions or lips. 

"Remember, you agreed to stay beside me." 10K reminded, getting beside me as we both walked towards the entrance of the greenhouse we'd soon be entering. 

"Or you'd win yourself a kiss."

At just the reminder, I smiled to myself. Why am I getting so cheesy with him? I turned my body to the side, hearing footsteps sound from behind us. Murphy was heading towards 10K and I, but before he actually got near us, Warren stepped in front of him. 

"It's your show." 

She stepped away from his path while I took two steps away from 10K. 

"Lead on." She encouraged him, trusting he knew how to get there. 

Rolling his shoulders like this was about to be a walk on the beach, he did as he was told and took point, ahead of all of us. Warren was close behind him with Doc following hot on her trail. We guarded the back of the group, making sure we'd always have an out of a situation.

Together, we all walked in the greenhouse of Hell. Let's do this. I could already hear soft groans echoing from somewhere inside, but nothing came chasing towards us or grabbed at anyone, so it seemed safe enough at the entrance. 

Maybe they wait until you're really inside, so you have nowhere to run, to grab at you. 

"It's like some kind of giant shop of horrors." Doc hissed disgustedly at all the green around him.

The scent of marijuana was definitely stronger than anything I've been around since the plants inside had been neglected from the beginning of the apocalypse.

The 'scientist' we had met only a couple minutes ago only seemed to care for Batch 47, or tried to make a similar antidotes from certain plants in these greenhouses. 

Since none of these seemed to effect the zombies, they never tended to the overgrown weeds--and trust me, it shows. Another snarl sounded off from behind us, but I never made it an inch to look from the entrance we had just came from.

I felt like I should be more alerted for what lays ahead.

|| Just keep swimming, swimming ||

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