S.1 E.11 ~ SoM (Ch. 66)

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When Warren straightened her back, 10K began to crawl out of the tent. The female leader saw the eldest of them all already in the sleeping bag. Cassandra was looking around the area, trying her best to wake up for their shift. 

Doc didn't try to get in any tents and he didn't try to discuss sleeping matters; he wanted to sleep right then and there. 

"We just scouted a couple of feet outwards. Nothing so far, but that can change. Be careful." Warren nodded at the small team formed. 

Obediently, the scouts nodded their heads at their first-in-command and began to walk off side by side. Warren watched them disappear into the darkness of the forest, feeling uneasy about this whole situation.

Whenever this woman had a bad gut feeling, something negative usually does happen. Usually. Could be something else; maybe just hunger. Shaking her head at the feeling of it just being invalid, she crawled into the tent with (Y/N)'s passed out form.

She's never met someone, besides Murphy, that could sleep so peacefully during the apocalypse. The youngest has never had nightmares; or at least Warren has never known (Y/N) of having any nightmares. 

Just like 10K had done, the grown woman laid with her feet barely inside the tent, flat on her back, but this time, both hands were behind her head.

"Finally, relaxation." She hummed quietly to herself at the now achieved feeling. 

Her back began to cramp at the feeling of it being able to relax from the tension it had built up. Warren arched her spine some to try and ease down the uncomfortable feeling. 

A hot bubble bath, some real conditioner and shampoo with a variety of fruit would be the definition of a promised death in the apocalypse. Nothing good lasts forever in here; and if it does, there's a bad reason for it lasting so long. 

A small grunt escaped the girl sleeping beside her.

'(Y/N).' Warren thought to herself as a sigh slipped pass her lips.

Quietly, she looked over to make sure the child was still sleeping alright. The leader was met with closeness of (Y/N)'s paling form. Even with just the ceasing moon as lighting, she could still tell a difference in (Y/N)'s color.

She was paler. It was something unusual and a difference that could raise brows. Another grunt escaped pass the girl's lips, but it came with her shoulders wiggling in an uncomfortable way. (Y/N) was still on her side, but her head was leaning all the way back onto the 'pillow'.

Both her arms were still on one side of her. Warren's eyes examined the facial expressions of the youngest. Pain, anger, confusion. Her eyebrows expressed the confusion as they were trying to meet each other in the middle of her forehead. 

The pale face, but reddening, cheeks proved to be anger heating up inside her. Pain was added onto her features with her slightly lifted lip. Mack lifts the left side of his lips every time anger was boiling up or he is showing emotional pain. 

(Y/N) was distress in the dream world and in the realm of reality. Warren's deep chocolate orbs diverted down to her wrists. 

"Ah, shit." Warren cussed harshly to herself as she watched the white bandages be painted with a different, more angry color.


The brunette immediately attached her hand to the shoulder of (Y/N), shaking it lightly. Pushing her forward and backwards only made the wounds worse, so she paused her movements. The sharp smell of copper burnt the midnight air.

It was so strong that it replaced all traces of the grass and forest's pollen. Something so strong like that is bound to attract the Zs.

"(Y/N)." She spoke clearer, not caring if she woke up the rest of the people near them.

(Y/N) groaned like she was beginning to wake up from the cursed nightmare. When the pain hit her like a non-stopping train, her eyes lit up like a casino trying to get people to play in the slot machines. 

Her pupils seemed like they were about to grow as wide as her irises. 

"I know. I know."

Warren quickly muffled the shriek that (Y/N) was begging to release by closing her mouth off with her hand. Instead of letting out the scream, (Y/N) got to arch her back up and slammed her right foot against the ground.

No more Zs need to be attracted to them if they were already on their way. The more, the worse and stressful it is on everybody. Burns and itches ran up and down the youngest's arms as she looked down at the almost blood soaked bandages. 

White could barely be seen. 

'How did this happen?!' They both shouted in their minds, not understanding the quickness in such a violent act.

"Come on. You're losing too much blood. I'm gonna let go, but you can't scream, alright?"

Hesitantly, the girl beneath her nodded once when the pain subsided only a little bit. It may have been relaxing to the wounded girl if she hadn't been in so much pain so quick. Gradually, Warren removed her hand from (Y/N)'s lips.

Behind the (plump/thin) lips, her teeth grinds together to keep from yelling in pain. Warren hovered her hand over her lips for only a second to make sure (Y/N) wouldn't let out anymore noises. The ex-military woman moved quickly to get out of the small containment. 

She didn't wait for (Y/N) as she jogged over to the sleeping doctor. The only man they had on their team that watched more ER than the rest of them combined.

"Doc." Warren forcibly shook the elder's shoulders, not trying to be sweet and tenderly anymore. 

The tent rustled around in the background, but Warren's main focus at this point was getting him up and awake. Then, back to (Y/N).

"Doc!" Warren shouted, not caring how loud it took to wake him up, "It's (Y/N)."

The dark skinned woman didn't really want to shout, but it was that volume that finally got him up. His light blue eyes popped open, then he rose to sit on his butt. His head turned to scan for the familiar (H/C) haired girl.

Warren lifted her head up to stare at the barely noticeable teenager. Her body was laying on the grass in front of the tent with her front facing the sky. Her chest was rising and falling as she inhaled and exhaled, shallowly.

No more was said between the two as Doc moved to get up and analyze the situation. Warren moved to the cart and grabbed the brown medical bag. The bag barely had anything in it, but it may have just what they need.

"Hey, kiddo." Doc gently lifted up the girl's arm, examining it with the flashlight he had found right beside his face while he was resting a few seconds ago.

His sight may be blurry and tired, but it was clear to see that the bandages were now soaked in her own blood.

'Shit, shit.' He thought to himself, feeling himself began to panic, 'Do we even have anymore gauze? A blunt would be helpful right about now.'

"Okay, kiddo, we're gonna take these bandages off."

"St.." The girl's voice went out before coming back stronger, "Stitches."

Her face was paling by the minute; draining from all the colors that would prove she was alive. All of her life was being drained by her arms. Air seemed to want to suck all of the memories and feelings the young girl had. 

The eyelids covering her drowsy (E/C) eyes were rising and falling, like she knew she was about to pass out but she tried her best to stay awake. Warren fell to her knees on the other side of (Y/N)'s limp body.

"I don't know if we have the supplies." Doc admitted, trading the flashlight for the medical baggage.

|| "Something so strong like that [blood] is bound to attract the Zs." ||

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