S.1 E.13 ~ Doctor of the Dead (Ch. 113)

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"Now, just hold on a minute. Ain't no reason to just do that. He's just nervous is all." Doc sneakily moved away from 10K's other side, taking a step forward so the audience would be focused on him, "Right, Murphy? He's actually very civil-minded."

I must've met a different Murphy. Doc walked pass 10K and I to stand in between the two columns of slabs, in front of Kurtz and the men. The annoying voice of Citizen Z began to play in my ear like he was a ghost in the air, but I couldn't make out a thing he was saying.

Is he calling out to us? I looked over at the screen, but only saw him waving his hands in front of him. Is he waving goodbye?

"Really, this is so unnecessary. No one is going to harm you, Mr. Murphy." Doctor Kurtz acted as if he didn't just tell his men to aim their automatics at us.

"What's with the guns, then? Why raise them at us when no harm should be done to him and we get rewards?" I interrogated, no longer having the sense to shut my trap.

"It's quite the opposite, my dear." Kurtz turned his attention to me, "We want to reward you and save Murphy."

Finally, I heard the three words Citizen Z was trying to break to us, "Kill the doctor."

Shit, shit. Something slammed against the closed doors behind the three men, making all of us turn to look at the noise. Both men spun around to lock aim on the closed egress. Zombies can't open up doors.

"Just a zombie. Give it mercy so it won't attract more."

Then, we all heard the creak of the doors, making everyone fully alert now.

"Zombie can't open doors, can they?" Doc wanted the same reassurance as I did in this moment.

We've seen Santa Z, we've seen Murphy kill The Brother's so I don't know what to think anymore, Doc.

Suddenly, the right door swung open to reveal the tanned skin of--who we thought to be--fallen soldier.

"Don't shoot!" I reacted faster than the military men.

I was just about to go to Cassandra, who didn't seem like she needed any help walking inside the doors, when a rough hand pulled me back to their side. She needs us even if she looks like she doesn't right now!

I looked up at 10K, who just shook his head in disapproval to my unspoken request, but I could see the confusion blending into his features. Her legs seemed to be fine, except for the nasty infection under the falling bandages still scarring her thigh.

Due to her rushed movements or something, the bandage of the wound seemed to be unraveling. Doc needs to fix that. Her shirt and jacket seemed to be intact, but when I reached her face I figured out why she could move without any help.

A bite was composed on her beautiful face as her eyes seemed to have a wild look glazed in them. A look only a Z could model.

"She's a zombie. Mercy her."

Cassandra was positioned in a similar attack position a zombie would be in as her nails looked to be her new weapon.

"I'm.. Not.. Dead." Cassandra swallowed thickly like she hadn't drank anything in weeks and English was a hard subject for her to master.

So, if she's not dead, but not alive, what is she?

"Kill him." Murphy snarled like he thought Cassandra would do anything he said.

Cassandra isn't a machine, she doesn't kill on spot. Nor does she listen to Murphy's command.

"Murphy, wait!"

Before Warren could actually stop his order, Cassandra was already making a move to attack. She shoved the gun to the side of one of the unexpected soldiers', but his index finger still pulled the trigger backwards.

I followed the aim of the barrel, moving my eyes to the target. Doc had a panic and worried expression drawn on his face as his hands came up to slap over the wound. Fuck!

"Doc!" I shouted, swiping from 10K's side and running to Doc's aid.

I got to the right side of our next fallen soldier, removing his hands to replace with my better functioning ones.

"Doc." I repeated breathlessly as my knees hit the ground harder than a basketball connecting with a face.

The blood seemed to being pouring from over his heart, which only made mine drop to my stomach. No, no!

"Doc." Warren was attached to Doc's left side in a heartbeat, "Hey, hey."

Warren cupped Doc's face, her thumbs rubbing under his eyes to try and trigger some kind of stimulation from him. The old man's face was ghost white, exposing all kinds of vulnerability as his form went into shock.

Not good for the heart. I looked back at the scene before us to study my surroundings. Cassandra was handling the situation better now that she had a grasp on the term 'murder'. If she wasn't taking on one soldier she was growling and awaiting the other's attack.

She's not our Cassandra; this couldn't be our Cassandra.

"Murphy!" Warren shouted, pointing my attention to Murphy's already retreating form.

Cassandra made sure a way for him was unblocked so he could freely run out the door like the coward he was. I huffed out a puff, focusing back on the one person that truly mattered now.

"Hey, stay with me, gramps." I spoke loud enough for everyone in the room to hear me, trying to get him to hear me.

I had my hands on top of the other, stacked onto where the wound seemed to be opened at.

|| How did we end up here? ||

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