S.1 E.7 ~ WFUB (Ch. 43)

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She knows this, right? She knows I love her and would do anything for her, right?

"I'm not so sure anymore. About anything."

I shook my head, not believing what she was saying to me. I straightened up my back, releasing the woman from my hold so she could hold herself. She doesn't understand where I'm coming from.

"Alright. We'll go back." Was all I could really say to her.

Even as we turned around, her hold around my waist wasn't the same. The warmth against my back didn't feel the same, either.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I had my knees to the front of my chest and my back against the driver side of the truck. I watched as everything passed by us in a quick, colorful blur; the stumbling Zs, the disgusting corpses that 10K continuously ran over, and the sway of the trees.

Everything was a green, brown, blue, ashy color blur in my sight. The only thing that wasn't moving too fast was the bright blue and white cloud sky above us. It was the only thing still pure and beautiful in this dark, creepy world.

It's really the only thing that hasn't changed into something so disgusting nor into something green and monstrous. Suddenly, the truck jerk, forcing my body to fall against the bedding, again.

I swear to God if this boy does not get this driving thing down, I'm going to punch him. Again. My body readjusted upward into it's original sitting position.

Ten Minutes Later

It's been a couple of minutes filled with silence and a cool summer breeze seating my hair around.

The air that was semi-clean and the natural smell that was blossoming since humanity's downfall was now turning into a scent with gun smoke in passing and other nature-growing products that Doc exposed me to as soon as I had met him

Loud noises could be introduced up ahead with multiple gunshots ranging in distances. What's going on now? I craned my neck back to see a parking lot full of living, breathing people and various vehicles lined up as if this was a Friday evening and football was about to begin.

A man stood in front of the dirt road that 10K traveled us down. The man held a large red 'STOP' sign. What's going on here? 10K pulled up beside him, rolling his window down to greet the raven-haired male.

"Stop. Y'all armed?" The thick country accent was clearer than the sky above.

He placed the red sign down since he knew that the signal was recognized.

"Obviously." Doc scoffed playfully.

"Good. We don't have time to babysit anyone."

The dark haired countryman nodded his head to the side, directing towards the 'fun' of this place. Mack would think it was sketchy as hell; because I sure do. 10K slowly moved away from the mid-40 year-old.

I wonder if the curly hair was once a familiar sight of a father beneath all the dirt and dried blood. We rolled into the packed parking lot, luckily finding a decent parking spot.

Luck was indeed on our side once again when 10K didn't hit another vehicle during his parking instructions.

As soon as the truck was turned off, the passenger side was the first to open up. I stood up and leaned over the edge, watching Warren march off into what I could only theorize was a pub.

"Where are we?" I asked Doc, who was exiting from the passenger side as well.

"Some kind of fun-zone for the apocalyptic peeps." Doc smiled, shutting the door.

The old man walked around Cassandra to get to the side, where I was located at.

"Does Mack know we went here?" I questioned, sitting over the ledge.

Doc got beside my legs, looking up at me with gentle, reassuring eyes that wanted to give me the answers a wanted, but gave me what I needed.

"Mack will find us one way or the other. We've got the princess." The elderly chuckled as he offered the 'princess' a hand.

Sighing, but feeling a bit better, I slipped my hand into his and jumped off of the ledge. We released one another and started to walk out of the dust, packed parking lot.

We followed a crowd of men to what looked like the entrance of the place. I walked in between 10K and Doc while Cassandra and Murphy stayed behind us.

I could feel more people get behind our group, crowding a way to leave or escape. So many people to have to deal with if things go haywire. I became shakily nervous.

Crowds of--living--people made me nervous now that I was familiarized with the undead beasts. Not only that, but flashbacks of Day One can haunt a soul. 

Mindlessly, I grabbed onto the first person who was near me. Just like when he first arrived to the group and unknowing of my clingy behavior, we both glanced up/down at one another.

He should really be use to this by now. 10K stayed silent, allowing me to keep my hand clenched around his shirt. Together, we walked closer to the three, who had left us, that spoke to some of the staff of the show.

"Welcome to S&S Limited, the finest gun show in the west. Entry fee is seven."

"Seven what?" Doc worried that we didn't have what they wanted seven of.

"Bullets, oxy, grams of whatever. DIY super fun time substance you got."

"Well, I think I got some crystal back in the truck. It's the good stuff too." Doc grinned, adjusting his suspenders with his thumbs.

So proud of the crystal meth we had found awhile back. I looked around to find something to distract me. My eyes wandered back over to the pub. Maybe Warren needs assistance with the that drink.

As I was about to let go of his shirt, 10K moved like he read my mind. He grabbed my wrist before I could retreat.

"Where are you going?"

"To find Warren."

"You're nervous."

My head retired backwards, staring up at him, curiously.

"You grab one of us when you get nervous. You're staying with Doc."

"I'll be fine with Warren, 10K. I'll be okay."

With alcohol in my system. Warren wouldn't care right now anyway. Just jumping to the opportunity to taste more than whiskey and beer. 10K still refused to let go of my wrist.

"You're staying."

Does he forget about my wounds or something? After saying what he had to say, he let me go. Trusting me that I wouldn't let go and run off. Sighing, I gave into his words, knowing that he was right this time.

Warren needs her alone time and I guess I wouldn't mind having time with the rest of the family. 10K seemed pretty fun, anyway. I looked back over to Doc and saw such a familiar hairy male. Sketchy!

My smile brightened at the sight of a familiar old friend.

"We were on our last legs when we came upon this truckload of sweet weaponry under attack. We had to give the former owners mercy. In return, they gave us this wonderful vehicle with enough gas to get us here, Kansas."

Behind the people that was running the admission desk there was a large black truck with it's doors wide open, exposing it's goods. Sketchy walked to get behind the two people running the entrance desk, spreading his arms to let us have a good view of their recent findings.

Ammo, guns, knives, other dangerous weapons were loaded into one vehicle. Any kind of weapon that you could think of. I ignored the two friends, looking up at 10K as he analyzed his surroundings, carefully; always the observant one.

"You don't have to be so uptight. We're safe at the moment."

I tugged down on his shirt so he'd give me his attention.

\\"You're nervous" \\

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