S2 E5 : ☠️ ZB! ☠️ (Ch. 186)

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"We've got to get him out of here." Doc insisted, dropping to his knees beside us. 

"And take him where?" Vasquez piped up, wanting to know if Doc knew of a place close by that was safe. 

I wanted to say something smart, but 10K began to groan and mumble, his head rolling around like he was being moved by something else. 

"I don't know--someplace without anthrax!" Doc kept going for me, seeing as I was too focused on our sniper. 

"Hey, hey." I whispered at him, patting his cheek lightly. 

I could feel a strange lump beneath his flesh, but said nothing. I think this is part of the symptoms.

"I need you to wake up, 10K."

"What he needs is antibiotics." I snapped my head towards Doc once I had entered the chat, tired of hearing them go back and forth, "You got any of those?"

If he's got Crystal, he damn sure better have something that has relations to antibiotics. 

"Yeah, maybe." He nodded his head, leaving 10K in the grasps of Addy and I.

On his way to the truck, Doc excused himself in between Serena and Murphy, but as he reached the door handle, all we heard was a gush of water plaster to the ground unexpectedly. All eyes were on the pregnant lady and her legs. 

"What the hell was that?" Murphy, who was dumbfounded by the noise, had his arms crossed over his chest, just staring down at Serena's wet crotch.

Doc's shoulders relaxed a little when he realized what had happened wasn't more anthrax in one of our systems and us collapsing. 

"Water broke, daddy-o."

If the situation with 10K wasn't so bad, I would've laughed at Murphy's reaction to realizing that he was about to hold his unborn child in a couple of hours or even minutes. 

"Well, don't just stand there. Fix it!"

"She's not a car, Murphy!" I reminded him of that, seeing as they had the s-word and nothing was mechanical on her. 

"It's all good." Serena sounded mellowed out as if he had given her something for the pain already.

She looked to the love of her life in a dreamy state, "Won't be long now, papa."

"You are literally about to have a kid in a anthrax land-field, and you're content with it!" I commented on how her current emotions seemed too calm.

If I was about to have a kid in a diseased land, I would be flipping out and telling my baby daddy to move us somewhere else. Plus, does it not hurt when you're about to have a kid?

"Come. We have a place for your people." The leader encouraged after talking to the men that had followed him here, for us. 

Yet, none of them offered to help move our people. Doc continued to grab his bag before jogging over to 10K and I. We both had one of 10K's arms around our shoulders, his ankles seeming weak, which didn't help us. 

Addy stayed behind the patient, making sure he didn't fall too much backwards. I could feel the wetness of his armpit seeping through his shirt, which made me almost visually uncomfortable. I took it like a champ, though. 

I'm sure I've drooled on him before, and he never complained. Doc took on most of the dead weight for me, seeing as my stitches had yet to come out of my flesh. They're not dissolvable ones, sadly. 

The new people, the people most familiar with this land led the way to separate barns. Cassandra, Murphy, Addy and Serena were taken to a closer barn, but the rest of us followed them to a separate barn. 

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