S2 E5 : ☠️ ZB! ☠️ (Ch. 182)

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Quickly after Warren's confirmation about the next location we were heading towards, a gunshot sounded off like a warning. The bullet bounced off the side of our stationed transportation, making all of us dropped to our knees.

Missed, at least.

"Get back!" Warren ordered her people, trying to keep all of us safe.

10K got beside the Tahoe and began to crawl to the back of it, knowing where the gunshots had first sounded off at. I crawled behind him, making sure to stay close. He brought his rifle from his back, looking through the scope as he stayed on one knee and balanced with the other.


A shot sounded off too close to him, making his body cover behind the metal barrier. My back was to the door while Warren had a hand beside my head as she too balanced herself.

"What do you see?"

Another round exploded on the other side of us, and I'm sure I even saw a moving bullet land in the dirt in front of us.

"Couple of guys in hunting caps, one seriously pissed off looking girl with.."

Right as 10K was about to look back at the people through the small of his scope, a bullet grazed the trunk of the Tahoe he had his rifle propped up on. He dropped back behind the shield, looking back at me as the panel had gotten struck.

"I'm fine." I reassured.

Then, his sight was on Warren, "She's got the same gun as me."

"Well, why's she shooting at us?" Doc butt-in, wanting to know what we had done to piss of yet another group with a sniper.

"I don't know."

"Maybe it's something to do with this nice Zero ride we got." Vasquez piped in, sounding like he knew the group he spoke about, personally, "Can't imagine our Mexican friends are too popular around here."

More gunshots spread through our area, coming off like they were closing in on us. At just that thought, I knew we were all a little uneasy. 10K got back on his knees, balancing the gun against the side without a pod beneath.

He let one shot out before taking cover once more.

"Winged one."

"Okay, I'm thinking.." Warren was now thinking of the consequences of the plan she was about to assign to each of us, "10K and Addy, lay some cover fire and the rest of of us will flank around them."

When we were all switching around for better access to leave our cover, an automatic rifle had reached the battlefield. That was not the weird thing, or something that made us worry even more.

The weird thing was it sounded like the gunner was on our side, protecting us from the real enemy.

"You dirt-eating bastards!" Serena shouted from the other side of the Tahoe, the side that was not protected by metal.

10K leaned down to the grill, watching her while I crawled back around and leaned against his back to watch as well. I could feel Warren behind me as we all watched the once 'fragile' and throwing up, pregnant lady shoot like she had nothing to lose.

"You filthy goat-loving whores! There is a baby on board here!"

She went from left to the right, swaying around as if there was already a sleeping baby in her hands, trying to get them to go to sleep. Not once did she let go of the trigger as she got even angrier at the thought of these strangers hurting the creation of her and Murphy.

"A mother-loving baby!"

Her body bounced with the gun, but never once did it fault her from the mission she had set for herself and the unborn child. Honestly, I'm surprise that didn't kick her into labor.

"I'm going to rip off your arms and saw off your heads!" She promised, clicking the trigger even when there was no more bullets to release from the long magazine.

Where did she find that gun?

"Holy. Shit." I breathed out after I could be heard.

There was not a peep of wanting forgiveness or a comeback from the other side of us. We may not have just been slaughtered, but all sides were pretty quiet.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." She sneered, knowing she had won this battle all by her two-some self.

She dropped the weapon when she knew all the people were as good as dead.

"People are so rude." She spoke calmly, like a sane person would have.

But if sane was a person that could fire off at least 50-rounds and blink like it was a casual Friday at work. Still, our voices were just as mute as the dead people on the hill. The massacre may not go down in history books but it will always be a badass memory for us to remember.

"I'm starting to like this girl." Doc commented afterwards, starting to stand up like the rest of us.

I got off of 10K's back, standing beside him as he rose from the ground too.

"Yeah." Murphy finally agreed with a statement that involved something positive about his baby mama.

"I think it's time for a new vehicle."

"I think they have one."

I pointed to the red hood that was mildly visible at the top of the hill, that they used as an advantage point to scout us out.


Warren led the way as we all climbed, not speaking about the recent murders. I mean, they had it coming. You don't just shoot at a pregnant lady and expect no retaliation, especially if the baby mama has some spunk in her.

True enough to my words, there was a red truck that only had a handful of bullet holes labeling the side. Luckily, Serena had somehow missed all the vital spots that would've broken this puppy.

Warren took over the driver's seat while Murphy and Serena, the two most important people at the moment, sat in the middle of her and Vasquez. How you fit one broad man, one long-legged man, a pregnant lady the size of two people, and a thick woman in one cab is beyond me.

Doc popped open the small tailgate, hopping on first. 10K hopped over the side, ignoring the released door. He sat close to the wall that separated him from the seats. I could feel his gaze on me and Addy as we hopped on via gate, not mentioning anything.

Since I was the last one on board, I leaned over and shut the gate for everyone. No sense in taking a risk on a Z jumping on when all we have to do is close a small gate.

I got on 10K's free side while Addy sat next to Doc, facing me.

"If it's a girl, what do you think she'll name her?" I asked for everyone's already busy thoughts.

It was going to be a long drive--according to Vasquez--may as well make conversation.

"Billy Bob." Doc answered, to which I could agree with completely.

She seems like the type of person that would do some shit like that.

"She always liked picking flowers, so I'm going to go with Lily." Addy answered, 10K agreed with her.

"I like Lily." I agreeing with the name, but still on Doc's side, "Alright, if it's a boy?"

"Ryder." 10K nodded his head, and I liked that name.

Ryder would be a cute name for a little apocalypse boy.

"She doesn't strike me as someone who would bring a junior into the picture, but Murphy does." I shrugged, having my opinion out on the bed.

|| 30 Minutes Later ||

We were parked in the middle of the long driveway of a small, spaced out farm. 10K and Warren had to shoot some Amish zombies that were wondering about whenever we first arrived, but other than that, the place seemed to be ghosted.

"Well, we've seen Amish zombies, Mormon zombies." I commented, looking out.

"We get Mennonite zombies, we got ourselves a trifecta." Doc chuckled to himself, looking for more danger ahead of us.

|| Baby, you're midnight roads I ride on lonely nights ||

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