S.1 E.3 ~ Philly Feast /// S.1 E.4 ~ Full Metal Zombie (Ch. 18)

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Finally, Doc finished up with my wrists.

"We'll get the rest when we're on the truck." Doc was referring to my mouth that was tightly wrapped up in a cloth.

Doc grabbed my hand while I grabbed Cassandra's. Together, we ran out in the battlefield of human vs. human and dead vs. human. My eyes didn't have time to take in the bloody mess of an area, but I could get a good smell of all the gun powder being blown from variety of guns. 

Some corpses made us jump then continue running; the bullets from various guns that were shot on either side flew pass us. Finally, my eyes landed on my favorite black truck. Ecstasy started to bubble up from my stomach, rising to my throat.

I didn't even need a drug to feel this happy. 10K was shooting with one-hundred percent skill as he stood on the open tailgate with his sniper rifle in his arms. Mack was on the ground in front of the tailgate, shooting whatever got close to us. 

Addy was on the opposite end, hitting whatever came towards her, 10K, or Mack. Doc pushed me forward, in front of him so I'd reach the truck first. I crawled onto to the tailgate beside 10K's feet.

I didn't waste a moment to press my back against the window, just staring at the war zone we had caused. Addy grabbed Cassandra to bring her into the truck. Mack quickly took cover behind 10K while Doc slammed the tailgate closed.

Once Doc was inside, 10K squatted down, still covering everyone's behind. 

"You're okay. You're okay." Mack whispered, sitting in front of me. 

I had my arms wrapped around my legs that were close against my chest. The bandana was still wrapped around my mouth, preventing me from speaking back. Tears poured down my face from happiness.

Doc saved me. Mack saved me. 10K saved me. They came back for me. Just like they promised. Once we were safely away from the Cannibal Camp, 10K stopped his firing and crawled to sit beside me. 

I turned to look up at him, trying to thank him, but the bounds prevented me. I probably look so stupid. Before Mack could get it off of me, 10K opened up a knife. Mack used his fingertips to turn my head back to stare into his worried orbs.

I felt like a rabbit about to get experimented on as my chest was pounding up and down. Finally, the tight bounds slacked against my cheeks. Mack ripped the rest of the cloth from my face. I inhaled like the air was new to me. 

Once that was off of my skin, I felt Mack wrap his arms around my still shaking form to bring me close to his body. I wrapped my arms around him, leaning forward until my head was against his collarbone.

This is my family; my only family. Mack's familiar scent flared up my nose, making me feel safer than I have been for the past two hours.

"Don't ever leave my side again." Mack grunted, not releasing me. 

After just a couple more minutes of holding one another, Mack did let go but not for long. He sandwiched me between 10K and himself. So that Mack could comfortably sit with us, 10K scooted over more. 

My hand was occupied by Mack's left hand, but I leaned my head against the shoulder of 10K. Since he didn't push me off, I slowly relaxed into both of their touches. A smile was painted lightly against my face at the warmth they both brought. 

* The Next Morning *

Shoot. One-thousand-fifty-nine. Shoot. One-thousand-sixty. Reload. The second time the gun went off, Doc was the one to call out 10K's newest high score. The best shot we have was shooting beside me while the rest of the group were unloaded onto the road. 

We had pulled off for a bathroom break, but I stayed asleep.

"Nice shot, kid!" Doc praised the father-less boy.

"Amish zombies." Addy muttered from beside the truck, amazed at the sight.

I had my back facing the left side of the vehicle while my face was facing 10K's feet. Everyone should've known that I was awake by now since those shots were loud but no one took notice. Thank God. 

I don't want Mack to coddle me again. He's been attached to me at the hip, which I really don't mind, but I just want some space. Some time to think by myself.

"They tried to quarantine themselves from the rest of society. Keep the Zs from spreading the infection." Charlie informed us about how the Amish tried to escape the inevitable. 

Not even moles could hide their selves.

"That was before we knew Romero had it right; we were all carrying the virus. Didn't matter who you were or how you died." Murphy scoffed a couple feet away from the bedding of the truck.

"Night of the Living Dead." Doc referred back to the oldie but goody, "Great movie, sucky reality."

"You know I don't get it. If the Zs didn't spread the virus, how did we all get infected?" Mack asked the others what's been on his mind.

I still want to know how those cannibals got their human meat. I get that they had to kill someone and stuff; I get that you have to eat it alive to not get the virus. I just don't understand how they even submerged into that kind of lifestyle.

I want to understand, but everyone refuses to tell me anymore than what I know. They just aren't telling how they survived Black Summer for so long. The older people just.. go quiet. I don't like it.

I trailed back into the conversation when I heard 10K speaking from a different distance, but I knew he was still on the bedding, "When my pa was wounded, he told me to tie him up before he turned. Made me promise to show him mercy when he died.

"Kill the brain, you know? I couldn't do it. I couldn't hurt my pa, no matter what he'd become. I stared into his eyes for the longest time, just looking for some sign that he was still there."

This is the most 10K has ever spoken about his past. Much less it being his family.

"Did you see anything?" Doc asked, closer than what he was before. 

The doctor must've moved down the tailgate.

"What did you do?" Cassandra asked next. 

I think that is the dumbest question she has ever asked. 

"I killed It." 10K answered Cassandra's question.

"Damn, kid. You had to put down your own dad?"

At least he knows what happened to his parents. He isn't stuck wondering what happened to his father. He knows; he was there. I'll never get to know.

"Didn't kill him. Killed It." 10K had a new sense of coldness in his words that were directed to Doc.

"But if it's not alive, how did you kill It?" Cassandra challenged him.

Not the time for that, Ms. Cassandra.

|| I'm not addicted to drugs or alcohol, I'm addicted to your hazel orbs. ||

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