S2 E3 : 🛑 ZR 🛑 (Ch. 144)

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I tilted my head as I watched, confused, while Mack pressed his back against the wall to the right of me. No more words slipped pass my lips when sudden an open door appeared in front of me next.

What's going on now? Before I could mention and question it to Mack, a horde of about thirty zombies began to fill inside our room. I tried to jump out of my chair, but invisible chains wrapped around my wrists and across my stomach.

The transparent rope squeezed my flesh as they brought me back down in my seat. I wanted to shout for Mack to leave so they could come towards me, but the horde acted as if I was one of them.

They went directly for Mack, who had began to scream before the Zs had even looked his way. Pure pain showed in his face and especially in a vein that was popping from the side of his neck. His hands were out stretched with his fists closed in a tight grip.

I kept shouting and pulling at whatever was keeping me down in an attempt to gain the crowd's attention, but to no avail they still went for Mack as if they had a harsh grudge on the man himself.

Suddenly, the white padded room became nothing with black as the color. I felt myself falling once again.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was shook awake by something being jerked into my body. I cracked my sleep-crusted eyes open, taking in my surrounds. I was laying on my left side with my right arm stretched behind me; Addy was gripping that limb tightly.

Yet, she wasn't the one bumping into me. My focus finally came into view of 10K's right shoulder against my chest. Our arms were in between our bodies, holding tightly against one another.

The difference between our vises was that he was the one twitching from the unconscious realm. While his right hand had a good grasp on mine, his left hand had came around during our time sleeping to be placed right on my waist.

His hold was firm and acknowledged. His legs twitched from inside the tent to outside of the tent. He reminds me of an English Mastiff sleeping after watching a zombie movie with their family.

So, was he having a bad dream? I didn't know a man like him could.

"10K?" I whispered, not wanting to wake anyone else up.

Only reason I was ruffled from my sleep was, because he kept bumping into me. I could tell it was still dark out--so that told me it could be in the middle of the night--, and Addy was still snoring like a kitten behind us.

Carefully, I slid my hand from Addy's grasp to lightly pat 10K's cheek as his lip twitched upwards in disgust. What is he dreaming about?

"10K." I whispered a bit louder this time, pinching his cheek along with my words.

His eyes exploded open like Fourth of July fireworks, wide blue gems coming alive while his heart began to race faster than when he was in the dream.

"Hey, hey."

I stopped myself from jumping and risk waking up sleeping beauty.

"It's okay. It's okay." I hushed, waking up a bit more.

I slid my hand down his face and to his shoulder, slowing massaging the tensed muscle. His eyes scanned the surroundings of the tent, looking like a captured squirrel.

"Where is--?" He stopped himself from saying the subject of his question when his eyes met my sleepy, bloodshot hues.

Why'd he stop himself?

"Where's what?" I whispered, moving my hand up to the part where his neck meets his shoulder.

I continued to rub in the new area, hoping that would help sooth him back into a relaxed state. I can't count how many times he has soothed me by just patting my shoulder in a certain pattern. Not even Mack could get that pattern down.

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