S.1 E.5 ~ Home Sweet Zombie /// S.1 E.6 ~ Resurrection Z (Ch. 32)

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* Two Days Later *

I sat on the edge of the tailgate with Addy beside me. Mack sat on the right of her and Doc was on Mack's right. 10K was on my left with Cassandra on his left. In front of us all was Warren and Charlie.

We had to ditch the firetruck a day ago when the gas arrow went right pass the 'E'. There was no way we could fill that monster up without one of us dying.

"Anybody else worried about Mr. Sunshine?" Mack inquired about the experimental subject that we kept safe.

Individually, we all turned to look at Murphy, who was out in the wheat fields using the bathroom with his back to us. Thank God.

"I know.. He's looking worse." Warren agreed, inspecting his back too.

Charlie followed her eyes. Soon enough, we were all staring at Murphy's back like it held our favorite movie in the world.

"Come on, guys. Give him a break. It's the apocalypse. None of us look our best. It's like one long, bad hair day." Doc tried to be optimistic about the rapid change in Murphy's physical state.

Maybe we should look at Murphy's mental state as well; that could help too.

"Speaking of hair, what's with all the bald patches?" Charlie thought out loud, ignoring Doc's positive speech.

Since the tornado, Murphy has grown little pricks of hair back, but in some areas, there was still just his scalp.

"Maybe that vaccine is like zombie chemo." Doc theorized, once again.

"Or maybe that vaccine isn't working." Mack was the negative side here.

Such negativity could fill the world with people that eat at your negative thoughts. Wait. That's already happen; they just eat your whole head, though. Not just the thoughts. How could that peeing man not notice all the peeking eyes on him?

"What do you think, Doc?" I asked, searching for a more positive reason for all of this.

"I've seen Zs that look better than him." Our medic just had to agree.

"Will he make it to California?"

"If we haul ass." Doc chuckled at his own words, "If he goes zombie, we might have to put him down."

"Dibs on piking him." 10K called his chance out.

I smiled, pushing a strand of hair behind my dirty ear. We really need to find a lake or something.

"If he turns, piking him's the least of our problems." Warren reminded us of his true potential with that blood running through his veins.

"What?" Murphy stepped into our conversation, naively, as he turned around from using the field.

When the noise reached our ears, we all looked at something other than the topic of conversation. I had a lot of options, I really did, but my mind chose to look at 10K, who seemed to have the same thought.

Why did he pick me? Why did I pick him? I smiled at him, nonetheless, while he just kind of stared at me. So, maybe I did get too cocky. The guy's eyes were looking at me, but his mind seemed to be somewhere else behind me.

Yeah, I just got too cocky. That's it.

"Pit stop's over. Lets get moving." Charlie waved him over during his call.

"I have a ginormous bladder. Sue me."

Murphy started to head our way with his hands raised for only a moment to show surrender for his actions.

"Man, I sure could use some of them Kansas City barbecue ribs about now." Doc hummed, mouth salivating just at the image of the food.

"How about you, darlin'? You're a big rib-eater, aren't you?" Murphy just had to remind Cassandra of her horrid past.

"Murphy!" I scowled, lowering my eyebrows as the man raised his arms again, trying to look innocent in his actions.

It failed, miserably.

"You know, I was almost starting to feel sorry for you." Cassandra scoffed at herself, not at Murphy.

She rolled those chocolate bars of eyes, fed up with him before the day could end. The offended brunette strutted towards the backseat of the truck, slamming the door shut once she was safely inside. She didn't even wait for Murphy.

"You look pretty happy for someone who hasn't eaten in two days." I noticed the rare shine in his eyes and the pep in his walk.

What could that be? Perhaps he's got some food hidden somewhere on him?

"Could be worse." The original brunette--now just dark microscopic points--shrugged but had a smile placed on his lips.

"Really?" Warren arched her eyebrows, studying him closely.

She must think he's got food on him too. I wouldn't put it pass someone like him to hide food. He is a very avaricious man; bastard.

"We're still alive, aren't we?"

Sadly. I turned around to crawl back against the window of the truck. I lifted my knees to my chest, allowing my head to incline forward and place on my kneecaps. The scarf that 10K had given me still smelled like him.

The scent made an image of the tree-filled forest that was close to Blue Sky Camp become a framed picture in my mind. I could imagine the trees waving 'hello' to him as he ran away from the beasts we called Zs.

I could see him getting sweaty at the thought of being got. Not a happy feeling that it brought along, but it was still there. God only knows how many times he thought he was dead for sure. Yet here he is, with a pack of strangers under the clear blue sky and open road.

You know, it's been awhile since he's even touched the cloth. My scent should at least be on here, but nothing familiar rose to the test. Traces, but not enough to give to a hound dog and tell them to search for me.

Just that tall tree, green grasslands, and dirt to sooth me.

"Sis, you good?" Mack's raucous voice interrupted my thoughts while his hand planted itself on my shoulder, shaking me a bit from my thoughts of 10K.

Lifting my head up as I spoke clearly, "Peachy. Just tired."

"We're heading to Province Town so maybe they'll have some food."

Nodding my thinker, I shrugged off his hand and nodded towards Addy. Her eyes were monotone as she stared over the ledge of the truck. No tears in sight but sadness. Such sadness.

It was intoxicating to look at. There was no smile to brighten up the features. No teeth peaked through that seemed to be blazing more than the sun. Not even jokes were being thrown around from her angelic voice.

Just emptiness. The void seemed to flood her face completely. Even her personality.

* 30 Minutes Later *

The raven-haired boy, that was once next to me, stood up as the truck parked. His sniper rifle resting on his hands, comfortably against his shoulder.

|| I was the sun, yet you were searching for the moon ||

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