S.1 E.13 ~ Doctor of the Dead (Ch. 107)

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They weren't as close as he wanted, but he was fine with protecting her from a distance. It was just in him to protect the weaker ones. At least that's what he told himself.

"Well, you better start getting the guts to tell her without me."

The brunette leaned her head against the wall, feeling another wave of pain rush through her body like a sugar-high. Though, this time, it wasn't really a positive, sugar-ignited high.

Rapid clap of feet caught 10K's attention before Cassandra could even register what was making that awful racket. 10K watched as (Y/N) rushed to the two with panic and concern painting her delicately fierce features.

"Open up to her first." Cassandra muttered, closing her eyes as exhaustion made it's way into the room again.

(Y/N) stayed on the other side of the two as she fell to her knees, staying on the right side of her best friend.

"Hey, hey."

The young girl placed a hand on Cassandra's right shoulder, rubbing the tense muscle in a attempt to relax her.

"What happened, Cass?"

Cassandra had friends before the apocalypse; friends that would pick the most silly and sweetest nicknames. What she liked about (Y/N) the most was the way she made it feel like the apocalypse was never happening outside the walls of an abandoned house, or outside the metal doors of a deserted car.

The nickname (Y/N) had only recently given her was a name only her closest friends use to call her. The only thing 10K could do as he was bent down on Cassandra's left was stare at (Y/N).

Not even a month ago, she was acting like a spoiled brat that seemed like she couldn't even give a damn about any of them. Now, she was sitting on the other side of Cassandra with full concern lining her beautiful eyes, awaiting the response of the dying woman, patiently.

What really made 10K soft about the whole situation? It was the fact that (Y/N) meant every carefully chosen words, every soft touch and every concerned question. He would never be able to figure out how she could flip a switch without being on any kind of drugs.

"I can't go on, (Y/N)."

"Don't say that." (Y/N) shook her head in denial, "10K and I can carry you. We can finish this together."

Cassandra weakly lifted up her right hand to touch the hand (Y/N) was holding her shoulder with.

"I'm sorry."

"Is she?" Warren spoke up from the two as Doc reached her side.

Warren noticed the disappearance of (Y/N) first then 10K and Cassandra. Worry glossed over her dark irises as she stared at the three comrades. Deep down, she knew this was going to either kill or break 10K and (Y/N).

She knew this was going to hurt herself. Doc knew before any of them what route Cassandra was going to be taking, but he didn't have it in him to predict Cassandra's death date without actual evidence.

He couldn't be the one to bring disappointment onto the table.

"Of course she's alive, Warren." (Y/N) snapped, not appreciating Warren's immediate negativity.

"Come on." Warren suggested, understanding completely why (Y/N) snapped.

She snapped when she found Murphy in her husband's chair; Warren couldn't get mad at (Y/N) for mirroring the same aggression she had shown her. Doc and Warren opened up one of the door's and checked it out before 10K even thought about touching Cassandra.

(Y/N) always made sure she was touching Cassandra in some small way as they moved her to the vacant room. 10K was careful as he laid the limp body onto the cool top of the metal slab. He didn't want to say goodbye.

He didn't want to leave Cassandra's side like this, but he knew she wouldn't want him to stay here with her. So instead, he took a step back and stayed in the corner, watching the other's interact with her.

Tears burned like Hell's water as they made a home on the bottom of (Y/N)'s eyelid. 10K was on Cassandra's left while (Y/N) had stayed on her right. Their hands never letting go of the other. (Y/N) didn't want to lose Cassandra; she didn't want to lose another person she was close to.

"We, uh, we're going to finish this, but I promise, we'll come back, okay? We-We can get you some medicine in just a couple of minutes, deal? Just stay right here."

(Y/N)'s hand gripped Cassandra's tighter at just the realization she was about to leave her best friend, alone, in a horrible condition. Cassandra's grip only loosened.

"I've never had a friend that's gotten me kidnapped before, but it was an experience. I'll never forget you, Cass, because we'll be right back."

Tears finally dived off of (Y/N)'s eyelids and fell onto Cassandra's overly wet face. (Y/N) slowly moved forward so her lips would connect with Cassandra's forehead, ignoring the moist, nasty feeling.

"I pinkie."

Cassandra cracked her eyes open, squeezing (Y/N)'s appendage one more time for good measure.

"I love you."

"I-I love you, too."

(Y/N) couldn't do it anymore. She couldn't watch a life be drained in front of her. She couldn't withstand the fact her best friend, her sister was being torn from her arms. So, she ran. She ran from the scene, but knew running wasn't going to be helping a damn thing.

She ran, knowing Cassandra is about to die. Warren and Doc didn't try to run after her, trusting that Murphy would conveniently catch her. Warren took (Y/N)'s place next to Cassandra and reached into her back pocket.

"Look. I've been saving this special since New York. I want you to have it." As Warren spoke to Cassandra, she began to unravel a piece of cloth until a single bullet was seen, "Just in case."

|| You great unfinished symphony ||

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