S.1 E.3 ~ PF (Ch. 17)

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* Back to the Group *

* No One's P.O.V *

The old man of the group only glanced down the road, but had to do a double take when he saw the most familiar red hair shaking in the air. A smile graced the elder once he saw that almost everyone was coming their way.

Almost. The smile was short lived when he didn't see the young girl hugging on the side of any of them.

'Where is (Y/N)?' He wondered to himself.

He released a camouflaged smile so he wouldn't give any sign that he was sad about it being Addy instead of (Y/N). The youngest in their group was like a granddaughter he never got since they first met.

"Hey, we were just about to give up on you." The doctor smiled, opening his arms up to greet the survivor of the cannibals.

The mid-20-year-old smiled, not being able to resist one of the best huggers in the group. She needed this hug more than anything at this moment.

"I actually gave up on you about an hour ago." Murphy merely checked on the girl one time before turning back to look down the road.

"Never thought I'd be happy to see your sad ass again." Addy smiled, shaking her head.

Yes, she survive. Yes, she felt blessed to hear Murphy's rudeness once more. No, she wasn't happy about the fact that her baby 'sister' had to be stuck with the cannibals for the time being; she rather it be her there.

No, she was not going to leave (Y/N) there. Never. Not now. Not here. Not ever.

'I love these strangers.' The relieved girl said in her mind, looking at all of them.

Yet, there was a void in this family. A void that could only be filled if (Y/N) was there with them. If (Y/N) was there, she'd feel better about herself and happier; she'd feel a little like her old self. Everyone felt the same way.

Even Murphy and 10K. A bright smile wasn't too far away with (Y/N) near them all.

"Lets get out of here, guys." Murphy puffed out his stolen jacket closer to his body.

To him, he thought they were just going to leave the two girls with the cannibals and let faith have it's time with them. He didn't like it, but what could he do? He has precious blood that cannot be spilled or leaked away.

'(Y/N) is safe as long as she does what they say.' He kept repeating in his small mind.

Deep down, he knew that she wasn't going to do that. She wasn't an obedient puppy to just anyone.

"Wait." Addy spoke up, confusing herself as she watched the project of the zombie virus move to open the truck's door.

Murphy was confused himself at the halt.


"We're not just going to leave (Y/N) or Cassandra here, Murphy." The cannibal and zombie survivor shook her head, disbelief filled her voice towards the male in front of her.

"Cassandra lied to us. She got us in this whole mess. She's the reason (Y/N)'s gone." Murphy spoke bewildered at the fact Addy was defending the brunette, who did in fact, get them in this mess.

"And (Y/N)? What the hell did she ever do to you?" Addy snapped, crossing her arms over her chest.

Murphy grunted, leaning is spine back to exaggerate his next words, "We can just find Mr. Temper over there a new little girl. I'm sure there are plenty out there."

It took Warren and Addy both to stop Mack from launching himself at the outcast of the group.

"We're not leaving them back there, Murphy. You men don't know what it's like." Warren looked at all the male humans that surrounded the only two women left.

Even Mack.

"What is this? A chick thing now?"

"Yes." Warren and Addy said in unison.

"Murphy, (Y/N) is just sixteen-years-old; she was just a child when all of this happened and she's with people that don't even know how to feed her properly. She's still a child; innocent to everything that really goes on there."

What Warren was referring to when she said, 'She's innocent to all this' was the fact that Tobais and the rest of the cannibals used the women there for sex, food, and drugs. Something (Y/N) was naive and never heard of before.

To her, she just thought they killed people that crossed their paths. She didn't understand that it was a killing brothel.

* (Y/N)'s P.O.V *

"Mama's so much happier when you're here." Tobais moved a strand of hair from Cassandra's tan, glaring face.

The woman in front of me looked as uncomfortable as I was under Mama's stare. Mama just stared at me with her mouth wide open for Cassandra to place food in the dry cave. Tobais looked over at me, about to say something when the curtain to the diner trailer brushed open.

The Korean man from earlier, that closed and opened the Gate to Hell peaked his head in. He controlled the gates that separated me from my family. If I can just gain his trust, maybe I can play him.

"Got some fresh meat in Trailer Two. Looking for something exotic." He finished his sentence with a wink at Cassandra before stepping back out into the open.

I looked over at Cassandra worried and confused at the statement. The only thing I received was a reassuring smile.

"You're on, Sunshine."

What does 'something exotic' mean? Tobais grabbed Cassandra's arm, weakly, pulling her up from the chair she was occupying beside Mama. The disgusting pig that had planted his ass beside me kissed the top of my head, then followed the two out.

I was trapped. Utterly, completely trapped. They tied my wrists to the chair arms, my mouth was taped shut because I couldn't stop screaming, and my feet was bound against the chair's legs since I didn't stop kicking the man that kissed my head.

I was not a happy camper. The Sasquatch that just left wasn't so happy with me earlier when I kicked him where Mack told me to if a male ever got me. The burning sensation was an imaginary feeling when it came to Mama's constant stare. Gosh, the stare she had was intense; more intense than Warren's.

Taking a deep breath, I leaned my head down on the table to await the next moves of the enemies. It couldn't be that bad, right? Cassandra is going to be okay. She's tough. A tough cookie.

After about a good ten minutes, music was coming through one ear that wasn't leaning on the table. It echoed through my mind, not really registering it. Then, it hit me. Ludwig Van Beethoven.

My favorite, actually, but who's playing it? I scooted my chair closer towards the table, pushing the plate of human meat from in front of me with my forehead. The only thing I could see from the crack the curtains made was fast forms of people moving around.

Some were yelling about grabbing guns, others were yelling about getting cover. Now, gun shots were being erupted. What's going on out there? Abruptly, the curtains flung to either side of the trailer.

A white bearded old man stepped inside the trailer. Doc. Though you couldn't see my smile that was slammed onto my face at the sight, I was smiling the brightest smile I could possibly muster up.

Soon after him, Cassandra followed right behind him. The two quickly made their way to my chair, untying me swiftly. Cassandra had my feet while Doc cut my arms free, carefully.

"When we get out of here, stay behind us, kiddo." Doc ordered gently.

"And don't stop running." Cassandra finished my feet first.

|| Treat her like a game and she'll show you how it's played ||

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