S.1 E.1 ~ Puppies and Kittens (Ch. 1)

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"Oh, there's the escape bus!" Addison Carver spoke with relief flooding her sweet voice as she pointed her newest weapon, a spiked bat, at the yellow school bus.

As the yellow vehicle passed by us we saw the faces of the children; Dean and Sam Peterson. The boys are twins, only eight-years-old.

"Oh, they got the kids out." Addy took notice of the children we all helped raise.

Like they say, it takes a village to raise a child; it takes a camp to raise more than one. The Escape Bus started to swerve around, almost gliding into the ditch, then slammed on brakes before hitting a tree. What's happening?

Mack grabbed the grey sleeve that was stitched onto my favorite and only jean jacket. My relative pushed me behind him, keeping a hand on my stomach.

Suddenly, the emergency exit swung open to a green-ashy Z. A fresh one with someone else's blood dripping at the mouth.

"Go, (Y/N)!" Mack shouted as he turned around and began to usher me to mimick is actions.

Quickly, I started to run but I guess I wasn't going fast enough. Mack kept pushing me ahead of him more and more. The wind blew my (H/L) (H/C) out of my face and behind me. The groans and growls of the undead filled my ears, but as we started to gain more and more speed, their sounds just became a scary nightmare.

I saw a white dirt path in sight, knowing it was one of the main roads we use to travel on. I turned to look at my older brother, smiling. The brunette male looked confused until he looked ahead and noticed what I was grinning about.

Once we get on the main road, we can hopefully find Warren and Charlie.

"Go!" Mack shouted, getting beside me.

Once my combat boot cladded feet touched the road that we use to get to the camp and to the city, a familiar black pickup truck stopped two feet away from me. Warren gave me a serious look as she looked behind us.

There weren't any Zs there at the moment, but they have our scent and they know we're close.

"Go! Go! Go!" Mack shouted.

Doc got inside the truck while Mack pushed me over the side of the truck. After he helped Addy into the bedding of the truck with us, we awaited the war that was coming for us. Warren wasn't going and I was starting to get scared. What if she doesn't go in time? What if there is like this fast zombie that will appear and it's just going to climb on here as if it's invincible?

"Warren, go!" I shouted.

Not a second later, my body was jerked against Mack's.

My brother was in between Addy and I as we sat on the right side of the old truck Doc had found one day. Right as we were leaving, the Zs caught up and I could see one actually touch the back of it. After a few minutes of negative thoughts, I relaxed my shoulders and released a breath.

"Bubs, my chest hurts." I muttered, holding my racing heart through the skin that made me human.

My God help us all.

"You just ran three miles with only a three minute break. Yeah, it's going to hurt." Mack chuckled.

* 40 Minutes Later *

I looked behind me to see us leave a small part of the city. There were no more trees, but damaged or fallen buildings laying out on display. I took a deep breath before releasing it. I hate this world and I hate that someone is have deas in those buildings.

"Where are we going?" Addy asked, looking behind her as well.

"Hell if I know." Mack muttered, leaning his head back on the ledge.

Not very safe but as long as we're moving, it's safer than staying still. I leaned my head against the man that has saved me over a thousand times, because I couldn't grasp the concept that a horror movie came to life in the middle of a hockey match.

We took one more turn down an old cracked, black road and a left down an orange dirt road with growing grass in the middle.

I looked ahead of the roof and saw an old.. high school building? What are we doing at an old run down building of education? Upon closer inspection, I noticed a run down fence with smoking cars and the inner part of the building was destroyed by a regular car. What happened here? Is this a rescue mission?

We stopped in front of the broken defense. An unknown black man popped himself out of the backseat of the parked pickup. Knight Armament PDW was glued to his hand as he looked around at his base, I'm guessing. Why else would we be here with a soldier?

"Get back in the truck." His deep voice ordered someone who obeyed.

I crawled away from Mack and looked over the side. It was a man in his mid-30s to early-40s. He had shaggy, jet black hair and a resting bitch face.

"Is it them?" The unknown man asked, staring at the army soldier, "Is it them?!"

This man needs to keep his voice down before he attracts more Zs.

"Yeah." The soldier turned to face what was behind us.

Fuzzy black hair that was skept neat and short with the casual scar cut across his left eye was his facial features, but he didn't seem to be blind in the eye. I wonder what happened to him. Fight, maybe? Accident? The once obeying man jumped out of the vehicle and looked around for himself. Mack and Addy jumped down, followed by the rest of the people in the truck.

"I got to pee."

The, at least, six-feet male walked towards the end of the truck.

"Don't go far."

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